Blaster Fix up!

Here's a better shot of the chain.

I got the Carrier off, and the axle.



Anyone got any advice on how too get this disc off? The bolts are tight as all holy hell!


And a little whole ago i changed my bar lay out a little bit.


Key's mounted where 03+'s are.
That chain is well past the use by date by the look at the sprocket it is running on.

No wonder it came off, you were lucky it did not punch a hole through the case.

Time for a replacment set of sprockets and a new chain.
Carrier Bearings | Motosport

This came up when i looked up carrier bearings, but they all say wheel bearings. Same thing? Can someone point me in the right direction?

Rear Axle Bearings and Seals Kit Yamaha Blaster YFS200 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 | eBay

Look at how worn my chain roller was.... :o

thats usually caused by the swinger skid bent up, it pushes the chain guide up and into the chain.
i'm going to say once you use a new chain guide, that bent swinger skid will not bolt on without interference, and may be capable of being bent back ? or look for a newer stock, or brand new aluminum one on ebay.
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Thank you awk, and yeah it's got a couple dents in it. I wana pick up a new one, if not I'll just heat up my old one and hammer it back.

bolt it back onto the swinger, set the bike on something (milk crate ?) with the tire/wheel off and the chain guide out of the way, you can get some good whacks on it with a small 2lb. engineers hammer, thats how i beat mine back into submission after every few rides I:I
BTW,I've used All Balls on Banshee, Warrior , And Blaster and have been satisfied. Highly suggest adding grease zerk to carrier. Check here too

Also coat axle where sleeve and hubs go with anti seize or at least grease.

Thank you for those links! ;)

I just looked through the search and i can't find the sizes for swing arm bolts and nuts. I even looked online for OEM parts and just got the number no size. I need to get the size so i can buy wrenches to take my swingarm off. Anyone know?