blaster build gone wild! pics also

its finnally motor time :oI:II:II:II:I



Wow Man Wow!!!! This is definately bad! Post a finished cases pic if you will. You polishing the new top end too? I did my top end a little, just getting between the fins without proper tools is a PITA. Keep up the good work..!!
polished one case half today just need to do a luil more corner area work on it then ill get the other half done tommorow








dude that looks amazing! it looks like polished silver not aluminum lol. u deserve rep for such a good job :D but i need to spread it around a lil b4 i can give ya some lol, damn rules hahaha
Wow Man Wow!!!! This is definately bad! Post a finished cases pic if you will. You polishing the new top end too? I did my top end a little, just getting between the fins without proper tools is a PITA. Keep up the good work..!!

im still debating polishing the head and jug or painting them blue with the edges of the fins polished
wow man that looks great. i started on mine but couldn't get the marks from the drum sander out. guess i need some with a smoother grit. or what would you suggest. I have a rotozip with a cable attachment that has a1/8 chuck.
pretty sure it's 120. I also have an 4" angle grider. should i try pickin up some polishing stuff for that. sorry for all the quesitons but i'm addicted to shinny.
pretty sure it's 120. I also have an 4" angle grider. should i try pickin up some polishing stuff for that. sorry for all the quesitons but i'm addicted to shinny.

even with m y high powered motor i cant burn 120 scratches out your gonna need to go to at least a 320 and 500 roll