You can get more years out of it if you line the inside with metal. Like from a trash picked dryer or fridge.its thick and free
I was thinking about it. I have some "5 v" tin roofing laying around that I could line the inside with as a sacrificial layer but I'm concerned about how much noise it might make while using it.
So your a sort of expert on all kinds of blasters! Yamaha and sand.. will you be able to recirculate the blast media with this setup? The aluminum oxide seems to work pretty well for me. Guess i was lucky to find my topload for 20 bucks. I found safety glass lasts a little longer than the plexi as well.
You were VERY lucky to find a blasting cabinet for $20...
This will recycle the media. I'll be building a pickup tube to integrate into the bottom of the funnel and feeding the blaster handle in the first picture.
I'm planning on getting aluminum oxide (removing coatings) and glass beads (blasting aluminum cases) to use.
Here is the one I'm using now, beside the one I was upgrading from. The big one is from HF as well, I think its about $1000 and the dust removal system is about $150. It's big enough to do frames in if you extend the hose and take out the grate floor but it's not fun. The biggest draw back to this one is it needs a big compressor. I have a 5hp 60 gal rated for 18.6 CFM and 90 PSI and it would keep up with the cabinet above 60 PSI. I demo'd a 7.5 HP 80 gal for a couple weeks here when I was coating heavy. The 7.5 kept up til about 90 psi through a #7 (7mm opening). For that size nozzle using big angular grit media it would take a 10 hp 80 gallon (about 33 cfm at 125 PSI) to have all I could use and That puts you into the $3000 range for the compress. I don't think I've ever done anything more boring than blasting, I hate it.
Was there supposed to be pictures in that?

My air compressor capacity is DEFINITELY a short coming. I have a relatively small air compressor (it's rated at 5 cfm @ 90psi) so much more than intermittent use of the blaster that I already have is prohibitive. I am going to be using the blaster that I already have inside the cabinet so I should be ok for the near future.
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