Better Air Intake


New Member
Sep 9, 2012
Brandon Florida
Okay well i feel like i don't know anything but that's why this forum is here for questions and answers.
I have done research well tried, but everything just goes to the actual filter not the entire intake. Well i am wonder if there is a air filter that is better than the stock 2001 Blaster i am running. My friend has a YFZ and switch to a KTM intake for better air flow.
I always hear about like cold air intake for cars, but is there something like this for my Blaster? I want a air intake that gives better flow to help my bike run a little better. I may be completely wrong with this intake but i am used to cars, and i know about the cars not much about ATVs.


Only problem is I ride in Florida. So I get a ton of sand up actually under my seat, because i checked this yesterday. I know the filter would stop it but still I just don't want to have added sand all over the filter. I have been looking at the add in vents but not really sure yet how to install them.
if you get an outerwares cover for the filter you won't have to worry about the sand anymore.
Yea and then id have to learn ow to weld. lol

Not just weld....

Buy the material $120 for a 4'x8' sheet

Cut the material to shape (plasma cutter or friction wheel for those of us who aren't blessed enough to know an inexpensive laser cutter)

Form the box ( I don't have a press break, I actually do it in a vise)

Weld the sides on (A/C tig welder..... nuff said)

Buy a slip roller

Roll the tube (yes, that's hand rolled in a slip roll)

Finally, fit it into the frame, around the shock, and lined up with the carb.

Really....... easy stuff.
Not just weld....

Buy the material $120 for a 4'x8' sheet

Cut the material to shape (plasma cutter or friction wheel for those of us who aren't blessed enough to know an inexpensive laser cutter)

Form the box ( I don't have a press break, I actually do it in a vise)

Weld the sides on (A/C tig welder..... nuff said)

Buy a slip roller

Roll the tube (yes, that's hand rolled in a slip roll)

Finally, fit it into the frame, around the shock, and lined up with the carb.

Really....... easy stuff.

Can you do this for me? lol
This is the one I was looking at Air Box Cover by Outerwears Blaster 200 New Allows More Air Into Air Box QPS | eBay After some more research I realize that it just velcros on. I dont really like that solution since I'll be riding sand. I'm going to take another look at my box and figure out how to rivet this one in place or spring the money for the EHS lid. I also need to find a new hose or plug for the bottom of the box because it has been missing since I bought it.
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