Best Pipe

It's deffinately 2 years old. lol But for the first time I think it is a good one to have info on because personally I have never heard of a DOMA pipe and never new one existed for a blaster.Now I want to know This time I can't say damn newb. lol

lol ya i guess your right
It's deffinately 2 years old. lol But for the first time I think it is a good one to have info on because personally I have never heard of a DOMA pipe and never new one existed for a blaster.Now I want to know This time I can't say damn newb. lol

I agree. Unlike many on here I do not mind people using the search function and responding to older posts if they can further the conversation. I find the replies that flame or remind people how old a post is- offensive. They can just pass over it if they have nothing positive to contribute and if it is of little importance it will soon disapear. Many of these same people flame people who ask a question that has already been discussed and tell them to use the 'search' feature to look for the answer. Damned if you do, damned if you don't! :-/

p.s. Blasterdude14 this is not necessarily aimed at you just a general rant for some 'others' to possibly read. My worry is that I do not want someone to feel like they cannot contribute to the forum because of the age of a post or for any other reason. Just because it is an old topic it does not mean that it is not a relevant topic especially for a newbie or someone looking for an answer to an old question. I:I
Sorry about the old post deal, I try to check that, The date looks good till you get to the year? lol

Doma are kinda hard to get in the states, but I might have found a source. Still runs around $300 though. I think I am going to get one & try it. If anyone wants one let me know.