Best bang for the buck motor build

After all the problems sealing up my POS trinity pipe I recommend toomey as well. You will see the quality in those pipes the minute you lay your eyes on it. The flange to pipe joint is far superior to any other pipe I have seen, the finish is high quality too. Then the best part, power and sound. Go with the toomey.

Toomey is great pipe the quality is great only bad thing about it is the price $:o
hey guys, let me firt off say, hello, i owned a really nice blaster close to a decade ago. Recently bought a super clean example, a 2002 blaster.

my old blaster was like a 96 or something like that. it ran very well, stock carb, vforce reeds, intake filter, fmf fatty pipe and that was really about it. it was a rip and i rode it alot, couldnt kill that thing, it just ran everyday with out a hitch.

heres what im looking from all you pros. ive very familiar with motors in general as ive built a few cars. Two strokes on the other hand i really havent built before.

the blaster i have now is completely stock. I want more power as everyone does.

what im looking for a super reliable set up, something with very sharp throttle response and nice power. im 220 pounds so im no light weight.

so basically with that being said whats a good option.

well start with bolt on parts first then get into internals. but some of the parts I will buy will depend on the type of internals i do.

here are the options ive come up with, obviously with reliability being of the utmost importance.

option 1

ken o'conner head mod
ken o'conner stock stroke and bore ported top end
vforce 4 reeds
stock carb ?
35mm kelihn pw carb ? or another recommendation
toomey b1 pipe
air filter

option 2
ken o'conner head mod
vito 240 top end kit ported by ken o'conner
35mm kelihn pw carb ? or another recommendation
vforce 4 reeds
toomey b1 pipe ? or another recommendation
air filter

i could opt for a stroker crank, but the quad is in perfect shape, so id be hesitant to pull apart a perfectly fine working bottom end for the sake of a few mm/few hp /hp that could be gotten from the top end. although if it does make a big diff in power, i would consider it, as the vitos 3mm or the hot rod 4mm crank is very cheap. so if its a good idea, its deff a vialble upgrade i would consider.

thanks guys. feel free to post any info or recommendations. for refrence, im 30 years old, ive owned 11sec/400whp plus street cars. not looking to break any records or smoke any banshees. just want a fairly quick quad i can take to the trails every now and then and maybe keep up with my brother in laws new honda 400ex (although it would be sweet if i could spank him haha.)

heres a pic of the newly aquired blaster. shes very clean, never really been riding, in my honest opinion its like it just rolled/wheeled out the show room floor. Came with the regi from the dealership when it was bought new in 2002.

Nice clean blaster and the go with the option 2 I:I
thanks !

just got the swing arm extender on. just have to adjust the rear adjusters for the chain as i adjusted it too tight, and also to square off the axle because when i rode it around the block a few times i felt it wobble a bit and not be butter smooth as it was the last time i was on it.

also is there a steering stop on these things ? when i added the wheel spacers, the front wheels now hit my nerf bars at full lock by about a half inch. is there anyone to stop the left and right turning radius by about a 1/2 inch ??

gotta fix those two things tomorrow and then pull the top end off and sent it off to kor and order a toomey. hopefully i can get this all done by the end of the week !

thanks !
also is there a steering stop on these things ? when i added the wheel spacers, the front wheels now hit my nerf bars at full lock by about a half inch. is there anyone to stop the left and right turning radius by about a 1/2 inch ??


No there isn't but shouldn't be hard to make.
Best answer is to shove the Nerf back if you can.

could you post a pic of the side of it with the extender on?

Ill try to get one up today. I adjusted the chain to where I think it should be and made sure the adjustment bolts were the same length. Quad feels a bit smoother

No there isn't but shouldn't be hard to make.
Best answer is to shove the Nerf back if you can.


Ill see if I can, I doubt I'd ever turn the wheels to full lock though.

Top end hopefully comes off after work.

Ill try to get one up today. I adjusted the chain to where I think it should be and made sure the adjustment bolts were the same length. Quad feels a bit smoother

Ill see if I can, I doubt I'd ever turn the wheels to full lock though.


Chain should have 30 to 40mm of slack with rider sitting on bike!

But what if the wheels are beyond your control and are forced to full lock, be prepared for some pain.
your right, ill have to either come up with something to stop full lock early or flip the front tires back and see if they dont hit...

pulled the top end today after work. no manual or anything like that, just pulled the tank, pulled the carb, pipe, head pop right off, and the jug took a lil persuasion with a rubber mallet on one side and then popped right off.

heres some pics.


still have to yank the piston, its fine in my opinion, im thinking all it will need is new rings and hone the jug, but well see when ken says, ill send it to him with the top end so he can make a correct judgement. also the piston gets ported correct ? so hell need it either way. also as the piston isnt off yet, ill make a better judgement once its off, but should i just replace the roller bearing for the hell of it, im gonna say its gonna be mint like the rest of the motor etc etc.




doesnt look like detonation to me, it looks like it just took off the carbon build it up. agian the quad has at this point maybe 20 hours or so on the orginal motor, the previous owner just took it up and down the block. so im guessing me riding it hard started to blow off the carbon build up. i also ran techtron so that may have attributed to blowing the carbon build up off. or may be completely wrong lol.

ill send the piston and top end off to ken next week and order a toomey pipe. ill ask ken to include a top end gasket kit, base and head, and the right jets for the factory carb that will work with his aggressive trail port work, hemi head mod and toomey pipe. i will also be ordering a vforce4 reeds/cage, even though the factory units looks brand new. or should i skip this, the v4's should really increase throttle response over the stock units.

cant wait to see how she feels after all this work.

after this im done with her. nothing else planned other then possible 400ex rear shock, and possibly a aftermarket swing arm skid and belly skid (ebay).

after this im done with her. nothing else planned other then possible 400ex rear shock, and possibly a aftermarket swing arm skid and belly skid (ebay).


^^^^ yeah u'll think your done..... but u never are....... alwyas throwing more money into it to make it better

and if i were u get all three shocks replaced..... i did and u can ride some much faster cause it stays planted in the corners
^^^^ yeah u'll think your done..... but u never are....... alwyas throwing more money into it to make it better

and if i were u get all three shocks replaced..... i did and u can ride some much faster cause it stays planted in the corners

lol, you may be right but i doubt it. ive learned my lesson in overbuilding things. ive built many cars, and realized that the most rewarding are short builds with super effective parts and no fluff. like i said maybe some skids and a 400ex shock. DONE !


got the piston off the rod.

what a easy machine to work on. only things left are to clean up the case mating surface with a razor blade, and remove the remaining exhaust.

sending the top end and piston out to kor tuesday i hope. agian ill request base and head gasket, new piston circlips, ask for a new roller bearing if he recommends it. the rest is in his hands as far as new rings or just new piston. and whatever carb jets he recommends.

ordering a toomey pipe and v4's next time i get to the local atv shop.

excited to see this build come to a end and just ride the hell out of it.

lol, you may be right but i doubt it. ive learned my lesson in overbuilding things. ive built many cars, and realized that the most rewarding are short builds with super effective parts and no fluff. like i said maybe some skids and a 400ex shock. DONE !
excited to see this build come to a end and just ride the hell out of it.


Right on man!
Always better one step at a time instead of too much all at once.

picture of the side of it now please?

havent forgotten about ya. give me a few weeks. its now apart in the garage, with other things behind it etc. when i put it back together and roll it out into the daylight i deffinatly will take a pic for you.


sent the top end off to ken, ordered my toomey b1 pipe kit and vforce4 reeds.

hopefully have this bad boy back together in 3 or so weeks. been dying to ride.

hey guys, ordered my toomey b1 kit, and vforce4 reeds, they should be here with in the next few days.

still waiting for my top end to be done from ken. its been exactly 4 weeks since he received it. so im hoping ill have it by the end of this week, so i can assemble it and break it in this saturday and go riding this sunday. well see. im itching to get back in the dirt, havent wheeled my jeep in a few weeks.