
mud runner

Jan 19, 2012
leabnon TN
iv come across a deal on a banshee it needs a coil and the kick starter gear it has a 6 pack rack and nerf bars and he wants 900 for it can yall tell me if its a good deal
try to bring a coil with u, jump stat it, and see it it runs. when u buy a bile that dosent run, u have no wayy of knowing whats or even if anything is wrong with it. like needs new piston/bore/and rings, or if its leaking, or if it even has spark, or if the owner even took care of it.
sounds to me tho that last time he tried to start it, it wouldent start, and so he kicked the hell out of it, than broke the gear, and said that the coil is messed up, and sells it for 900 not running. u know, it can be as simple as the carb just being clogged, or as bad as a blown engine.
I wouldn't pay that much if you can't even start it. It would have to have a lot of AM parts on it if I was going to pay that without hearing it run.
Coils hardly go bad. There is a good chance there could be some other major mechanical issues, or it could just be a bad stator or bad ground. Unless it has a ton of a/m parts, it's not worth more than $600-700 IMO
Last blaster I bought that "needed a coil" had a bad stator with a hanging ground wire. $50 later it was running like a top. Who knows, maybe all that shee needs is a coil, maybe it needs a motor rebuild. Pretty much a dice roll if you can't see it run.
is it a J arm or a A arm banshee? It would be better to make sure the motor is good and runs before you did a part out . The frame is worth some money , but only if it has a title , no clean title and you are taking a risk . run the VIN number before you buy . search google for a VIN checker , they are free , or call the local police and they can run it . if you get it post up some pics , lets see what you are lookin at .
I traded a blaster running i had about 150 ingo along with a chinese 110cc for my shee running.

It had low compression but it ran and quite well.

Id say unless hes willing to take a dive on it pass theres deals all the time.I found my jet ski a couple years ago and its a 95 sl750 with new double trailor and a new motor i got receipts on for 1500 the guy was going through a divorce and didnt want his ex wifes new man running it so i got it for a steal and he delivered it.
I traded a blaster running i had about 150 ingo along with a chinese 110cc for my shee running.

It had low compression but it ran and quite well.

Id say unless hes willing to take a dive on it pass theres deals all the time.I found my jet ski a couple years ago and its a 95 sl750 with new double trailor and a new motor i got receipts on for 1500 the guy was going through a divorce and didnt want his ex wifes new man running it so i got it for a steal and he delivered it.

ya i know theres deals out there i got my blaster running for 200 the only thing that was wrong with it it was missing 3 4 5 and 6 gears but it was an easy fix and it needed a good carb cleaning