Bad break-in, bad piston?

If you heat the case that bearing should drop right out. Clean cases very well, maybe even soap/water to avoid smell in oven. 170*/ low heat for maybe half hour. Bearing should fall or tap out easily. Put back in oven and turn off, let cool. Might have to run self cleaning cycle after. I’ve heard of using gas BBQ also.
Reverse process to install except freeze bearing overnight.

I have that trans shaft independent now. Bearing is still on it. So I can just put that in the oven and it’ll fall right off once it reaches that temp. Correct? Going to do it next couple of days.

New crank and bearings come tomorrow. Going to start putting bottom end back together. Yesssssss
If you heat the case that bearing should drop right out. Clean cases very well, maybe even soap/water to avoid smell in oven. 170*/ low heat for maybe half hour. Bearing should fall or tap out easily. Put back in oven and turn off, let cool. Might have to run self cleaning cycle after. I’ve heard of using gas BBQ also.
Reverse process to install except freeze bearing overnight.

I have that trans shaft independent now. Bearing is still on it. So I can just put that in the oven and it’ll fall right off once it reaches that temp. Correct? Going to do it next couple of days.

New crank and bearings come tomorrow. Going to start putting bottom end back together. Yesssssss
It came today. Woot

Almost about time to put bottom end back together.

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And it has arrived from O’Conner racing. Yeeehaw. One more part and I can start the full rebuild. Looks good
The last piece to this build is here. I can officially start rebuilding. Brand new clutch basket.


Clutch basket
Tusk clutch plates
Hot rods bearings and crank rod
New stator
Freshly Honed cylinder
New wiseco piston
All new gaskets and seals.

Ready to build!! Yeaaaaaah

Now hopefully I do it all to a T and it doesn’t blow up. :)

Be sure you soak clutch fibers in trans oil minimum 24hrs before assembly

You bet. Got a few notes and things to remember. That’s one of them. Make sure can bench shift the gears...leak down the oil injection to make sure it’s working properly ...
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While watching kens videos. Putting together the engine. I have the cases closed, feel very confident that every piece is there that needs to be. I’m to the clutch basket. And I noticed this washer. Any ideas where this one came from?

Between my woman and the kids I’m not sure if they just found this on the floor in the shop and put it on the table but I’m at a loss for where this ones for. Haha blah, worst nightmare.

Took a stop for today, have the clutch plates in and it lined up the notch.

Have yet to do stator side and close up right side. Ideas?

Is that washer # 14 ?
I know there's 2 washers behind the basket and it won't turn if their both not there and correct

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Is that washer # 14 ?
I know there's 2 washers behind the basket and it won't turn if their both not there and correct


i checked that one I believe. I will have to check again. I’m almost positive 14 was the spacer and 13 was the actual washer. Or vice Versa. I accidentally snapped #8 on that list so waiting on those to come so I can close the rest up. Thanks for the response!
On a side note. I got a caltric st140 stator for this rebuild. I gotta say it doesn’t fit in there well. Using a vernier caliper I found it’s just slightly bigger. I got it to somewhat fit and have clearance for the rest of everything else to spin freely. Wire was much longer than OEM. Caltric said that was the only one they made for this model. Seen thousands of people have used them but can’t find any posts about people having issues installing them. Am I really the only one? As far as I can tell they have bad QC issues as well. Crossing fingers that it works.

Ken did an amazing job honing this cylinder and providing the piston. So far everything is working out. Just hope the damn thing starts.

I remember seeing a major post about using the two stroke oil injection pump or blocking it off and mixing gas/oil. Is there any recommendations for the amount that has been put into this to do the block off or continue using the oil injection?

Is it a safer bet to do the block off?