Axle lock nut removal


New Member
Mar 26, 2010
Spencer, MA
Simple question for you guys... gotta do axle bearings in the 94 (98 too actually but 94 is by far the worst after this past weekends riding...) and was hoping you guys could save me a few minutes of my time. Are the locknuts on the rear axle threaded normally or are they left hand thread? My buddys trx 450 was left hand thread while my other buddys predator was right hand thread. Dont want to waste any energy trying to go the wrong way. Thanks.
LOL, thanks man. Like I said, they're bastards enough without wasting energy going the wrong way. Hopefully mine arent as bad as the ones I did on the trx. There was litterally nothing but metal shavings on the sprocket side and the outer bearing case had to be cut to remove it. Not fun. Thanks again.
A GOOD pipe wrench is your friend.

Liquid Wrench is your friend. It works WAY better than PB Blaster or WD40. Trust me.

A rubber mallet and a buddy sitting on the quad holding the rear and front brakes to keep the damn thing from rolling really helps too.

And when in doubt if it gives you any sh*t, torch the HELL out of it, spray some wrench on it cool off, and then repeat.

I didnt have to torch mine to get my axle nut off, but my sprocket carrier was rusted and siezed on, so I couldnt get my axle apart. The nuts came off with a pipe wrench, liquid wrench, and a rubber mallet, but I couldnt get that sprocket carrier off to save my life.