Automotive section?


New Member
Mar 26, 2007
Southeastern, Mi
Was thinking maybe throw an automotive section on here with how-tos and questions. Nothing too specific to start out with. Itll draw A LOT of people in for hits on the site and memberships. I can shoot a few how-tos on random stuff. Brakes, seafoam, washing, belt changing, stuff like that.

Any comments or feedback on this post is appreciated, feel free to PM me or msg on here.
not to sound discriminating ,but... it says BLASTERforum at the top of my page, they do have forums for cars and whatnot
if you have any needs try
not to sound discriminating ,but... it says BLASTERforum at the top of my page, they do have forums for cars and whatnot
if you have any needs try

I dont have any needs but I thought it would be a good way to attract more people to the site. I work on cars on a weekly baises and could add a lot of helpfull stuff.
you have to think though. The more specific the forum the more info your going to get on that topic. With a more generalized forum the info isn't going to be quite as good IMO. Like When I get on the nissan forum there is always someone there with the answer for anything nissan, If I ask them about my blaster they would be like wtf haha.
i think the auto section would be a good addition also.. since im very acctive in the car community locally and online, i have alot of knowlege to share.. im on they have everyhting from off topic to hill rods politices and bike.. same with and
ya got to remmeber alot of use got into quads to to cars and vis versa.. if its gotta motor and wheels ill ride or drive it!