AROID and MLB today

First of all i did read what you wrote. But i dont think you read what you wrote. Is being rumored to being involved with rapes and murders cheating the game? No its not cheating the game and it doesnt help it either.

Cheated your way into the record books by taking "performance enhancing drugs" wouldnt allow amphetamines to fall under that category?

And no i dont think that amphetamines and steroids are the same but i also dont think that a guy that sucked down greenies like potato chips before every game in the 70's while playing baseball should be immortalized but the guy in the Nfl that took ephedrine gets a 4 game suspension.

So you think that all the guys in the NFL that play on either defensive or offensive line are all natural? Just good nutrition and hitting the gym? And you can be 330 lbs and run a 4.5 40 and thats all natural right? Just some GNC and anyone can do it right? They all do it. Some get caught and others dont.

And speaking of smoking something as a Cubs fan you really cant say anything after Sosa. since out of the entire steroid era you have the only guy that did steroids and used a corked bat. so i guess if he didnt use steroids he should be in the Hall of Fame? He only got caught with the corked bat a few times so he prolly hit the rest of those homers with a regular bat right?

Honest hard working players? That rape, steal, beat theyre wives, sell drugs, get hooked on drugs and alcohol, cheat on theyre taxes (wow thats a good one Jeter), kill people, orchestrate dog mass murders (Vick), videotape other teams practices to steal signals, steal signs in baseball to win World Series, and then at the end of it let the referee come in and rig the whole Nba finals for all the honest hard working players to get screwed on.

Sorry man honesty and hard working went out the window with sports back when The Brady Bunch was still new on tv. Your gonna have to come up with something a little better then that to convince me that guys that went out and played the game for 20 years shouldnt be in the HOF because they used whatever to make themselves better.

Another fact. Taking steroids doesnt mean your going to hit 73 homers. You still have to have the skill and ability. If you dont believe me look up Jeremy Giambi's career power numbers. He took steroids what did he ever do? 50-60 homers over what 7-8 years? He should get a refund or something

Lmfao loving it.....this was an A-ROID conversation about baseball and the cheaters that failed their tests. You can't compare baseball players with football players its like comparing apples and oranges. Your bringing up points that are irrelevant. Bottom line is they cheated by using drugs that enhanced there playing ability, the one guy who everyone suspected takin roids is the one whos flying under the radar through this whole thing the corked batter lol you think i enjoyd watching him and mcguire go at it hell no i didnt i might as well have robots out there hitting everything it swings at what fun is that? And i totally agree with you in order to hit a baseball you gotta have good hand eye coordianation but if w/that you can only hit them to the warning track and you take pid's now your hitting them outta the park thats cheating! I hope your not the kind of guy who thinks vick did nothing wrong or he should be allowd to play again, honesty and hard work is still here, if you believe its gone then you my friend are one sad and naive individual and i feel for you.
Ok well start slow on this so you can keep up this time.

this was an A-ROID conversation about baseball and the cheaters that failed their tests

yes it is

You can't compare baseball players with football players its like comparing apples and oranges

why is it apples and oranges? because its okay to take steroids if youre in the Nfl but not in MLB? And if they failed theyre test in the NFL then thats ok because theyre apples?

Your bringing up points that are irrelevant
like what that people like you want to take every major athletes name in all pro sports out of the Hall of Fame and put an asterisk next to theyre name? Im just making points that like everything else especially with baseball theyre just needs to be a classification of an era hence the Dead Ball Era the Live Ball Era etc

Bottom line is they cheated by using drugs that enhanced there playing ability
which is wrong because as MLB players theyre oranges and they cant do that but if they were apples in the NFL then it would be fine

the one guy who everyone suspected takin roids is the one whos flying under the radar through this whole thing the corked batter lol you think i enjoyd watching him and mcguire go at it hell no i didnt i might as well have robots out there hitting everything it swings at what fun is that?

whos flying under the radar? Sosa? and bu under the radar you mean like his corked bats were? you mean like going from 36 homers one season to 66 the next and continuing on that tear until all the major steroid news hit and then he just kinda faded away? because he was being such an honest guy the whole time and taking creatine like Mcgwire right? He not under the radar man. You have to be on the map to be on the radar and hes not.

And i totally agree with you in order to hit a baseball you gotta have good hand eye coordianation but if w/that you can only hit them to the warning track and you take pid's now your hitting them outta the park thats cheating!
So since this is another irrelevant point how is that Jeremy Giambi took steroids and hit 52 homers over 8 years? So without steroids he wouldnt have got it out of the infield then on your whole warning track to homer logic right? How could someone make it to the major leagues and not be able to hit it out of the infield?

I hope your not the kind of guy who thinks vick did nothing wrong or he should be allowd to play again, honesty and hard work is still here, if you believe its gone then you my friend are one sad and naive individual and i feel for you.

And no i do think what Vick did was wrong but i think at the same time after a year in jail and a loss of over 90 million dollars just on his contract not counting endorsements that the penalty he paid was far worse then what Ravens Ray Lewis had to pay and he murdered a person. Not a dog. A person. And he never missed a season for it. He was made to be a hero because he helped Baltimore win a Super Bowl the following year.

Doesnt matter what sport it is apples and oranges, it matters that they took Ped's (those are your words exactly). they took ped's so they are cheaters.

so we should just take out every MVP in MLB for the last 30 years because they were all juicing and take all the NFL guys out for the last 30 years because they all were taking something to get to that level. For every one guy with the talent to be that good theres at least 20 that take something to do the same. If you believe otherwise and believe these guys are making it to that level on honesty and hard work then you my friend are naive because thats not whats happening.

You got to remember that all sports are just smoke and mirrors like Vince Mcmahon and WWF or E or whatever the hell it is now. If you honestly think steroids had as big of an outcome on things as that then you must believe that every team that won the title for theyre sport for the last 25 years was the overall best team and they didnt have any help from the league at all right? Cmon man be realistic at least.
Alright bro i get it your all for taking ped's and i dont wanna argue anymore, i just got a blaster and found this site with tons of useful information and the last thing i need is someone on here who doesnt like me or what not so im finished but i am sticking by what i said IN ANY SPORT IF YOU TAKE STEROIDS OR HGH YOU ARE A CHEATER. And did u ever think that maybe Gimabi just sucks as a player....without steriods maybe he woulda got 10 homers and not 52. And im my personal opinion all the names that failed that test should be released so that all the people who disrespect and cheated the game should be revealed and there names should be in the record books differently they didnt set them records on there natural skill and that should be noted. If you live your life thinkin that everyone is a cheater and that all sports are tainted by peds then that is sad and pessimistic! Only a person who thinks in the negative would assume that every major sports player takes peds. Steriods is cheating and it is not all right or ethical to take them. And if you hold records while using steriods then your records should be noted that they were set while taking performancing enchaning drugs....they dont make a sh*tty player great....they enhance your performance. THAT IS CHEATING IN ANY SPORT!
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Not arguing with you man just stating facts I:I. and yea the Forum is the junk for making your Blasty as badass as you want it B-).

As far as people getting into trouble. I dont think people should get into trouble for something they did when it wasnt illegal.

At the same time i dont think in the world of honesty that your talking about, that a drug test thats given under the pretense of "if you test positive or negative it doesnt matter nobody will ever know" should ever come out and have people get screwed out of Hall of Fame or whatever. Now steroids and all that are illegal then you can ban people and all of that but i dont think that doing something when it wasnt illegal should get you in trouble later when it is illegal.

And dude nobody's gonna hate you for coming on and having an opinion just dont base your stuff on bs (not saying you are just i have seen some that do) and its cool.

And at the same time when was the last time you saw someone trying to make theyre Blaster completely stock? =))

Somebody always wants to put a little something in it to make it a little nastier so when that day comes for a race you have a better chance to win I:I
I agree to disagree i wish it was warmer out already so i could be ripping it up rather than discussing the steriod era of sports on the pc :(
yes but unfortunately that is what there is right now. Steroids and the beginning of MLB preseason garbage. College bball is starting to get good and by the time thats over itll be warm enough to ride depending on where your located
Alot of the problem is the rules that were enforced when this was going on.Good old Bud new it and did nothing and now wants to point fingers at the players.They all should take the blame,their all at fault.As far as AROID goes it just gives us Beantown fans something to rag on him I like two teams in baseball the BOSTON RED SOX and whoever beats the yankees.AROID sucks and JETER swallows,lol Sorry can you tell I'm a faithful sox fan,hell yeah.
Bud knew and he let it go on just like everyone else.

The steroid thing is just icing on the cake for what the Sox have on the Yanks now. First game in Fenway for them should be great with all the fans holding up a copy of Torre's book in one hand and a syringe in the other one lol

And for a team who was just handed the World Series after the Sabathia and Teixeira deals isnt it funny how ordinary they seem now?