AROID and MLB today

Racer X

New Member
Jan 10, 2009
So nobody else has said anything about the obviously big sports story of the week so i figured id start one just to see what everyone thought.

In case you've lived in a cave for the last week you've heard about third basemen Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees nicknamed A-Rod around the league and A-Fraud around the Yankees clubhouse =)) and his admitted use of a "performance enhancing drug". After several brutally boring and scripted news conferences from MLB's "posterboy" and "golden child of the game" it came out that he in fact had taken with his cousin's help a form of steroid called Primabolan (several doctors have said they had never heard of it). Now as time goes on more people will come forth associated with the whole mess with more boring and scripted news conferences yet to come.

What are everyone's opinions on steroids and performance enhancing drugs in sports? and if your a MLB fan whose your team?

As for Racer X well this message was brought to you by The Red Sox Nation B-)
its messed up that they gotta take that crap///a-rod sighned a 10 year/$250 MILLION dollar deal..thats 25 MILLION a year...and you still take that stuff??? i would stop breathing if someone offerd me that kinda money..but its his choice and his rep is gone forever...
not disagreeing with you guys just throwing this in. Maybe without steroids he wouldnt have gotten $25million a year?

And as far as Hall of Fame goes does that mean that the guys from the 60's and 70's shouldnt be in because they used amphetamines?
I think hes a cheater and the rest of the 102 names should be revealed to expose everyone who has takin pid's. Go Cubs Go!
^^^^actually its a 103 names but they shouldnt be released as his shouldnt because it was taken under the assumption that good or bad the results wouldnt be released. The chic that broke the story violated Arod's 4th ammendment rights (which nobody has brought up except Bob Costas)and she wont get in any trouble. ^^^^^^ The Justice system and how its fair for some and not for others
thank you blasterboy one of the points ive been making all along. they werent illegal but now MLB has to come up with more bs to make themselves look better but its making them look worse.
Let them all play and let them all in. Thats what i think
^^^^actually its a 103 names but they shouldnt be released as his shouldnt because it was taken under the assumption that good or bad the results wouldnt be released. The chic that broke the story violated Arod's 4th ammendment rights (which nobody has brought up except Bob Costas)and she wont get in any trouble. ^^^^^^ The Justice system and how its fair for some and not for others

Regardless how the info was leaked it was and your right life isnt fair it isnt fair to all the people who passed there tests and played the game fairly, it isnt fair to the kids who look up to there heros only to find out they cheated by using pid's. I believe anyone who has been proven guilty of using enhancers they should be suspended for a minimum 1 year and be subject to testing constantly. And any records they hold should have an * next to it. This is a great sport and people cheating hurts the integrity of the sport america loves. I hope they release the rest of the names life isnt fair you cheat u man up and take the punishment.
i dont think anyone playing a sport is worth paying 250 million over 10 years all their doing is playing a game an steroids are cheating reguardless of if its illegal or not its giving you an advantage over all the other players it dosent matter if you go find a voo doo doctor to give you a pill its still wrong
Regardless how the info was leaked it was and your right life isnt fair it isnt fair to all the people who passed there tests and played the game fairly, it isnt fair to the kids who look up to there heros only to find out they cheated by using pid's. I believe anyone who has been proven guilty of using enhancers they should be suspended for a minimum 1 year and be subject to testing constantly. And any records they hold should have an * next to it. This is a great sport and people cheating hurts the integrity of the sport america loves. I hope they release the rest of the names life isnt fair you cheat u man up and take the punishment.

So the people that tested positive should have an asterisk next to theyre name in the record book? Why? Because they took performance enhancers? So youre saying the guys in the 60's and 70's shouldnt be in because they all cheated too using amphetamines (something that was illegal to have in the US after the late 60's)? And if youre going to go and take out all the people that cheated for the game that America loved then who would be left?

Babe Ruth the greatest ever was a drunk and a womanizer and woman beater who was involved in numerous other off field incidents that were covered up because well he was Babe Ruth but theres no asterisk next to his name.

Ty Cobb had numerous rumors around him dealing with rapes and murders and like most people that watch the game dont know he was the first person ever elected to the Hall of Fame. But how could they put an asterisk next to his name when he was one of the first all stars of MLB with a career .366 average (hitting over .400 3 times)?

All this and Pete Rose cant get in because he bet while manager that the Reds would win. For some that dont know the Reds went on to sweep the World Series that year 4-0 over the A's. They should have an asterisk about that too.

Lawrence Taylor is in the Hall of Fame and everyone knows he was on cocaine so he should have an asterisk too?

I dont think any of them should be denied. Steroids and other performance enhancers are part of todays world and part of society. If they want to put up that it was a different era with those things involved then do that.

And Clemens will prolly help out with spring training with the Astros but i doubt he will play again :(
Personally I dont care one way or the other if players did steriods. They were not illegal at the time and what is better than going to the yard and seeing guys hit 500ft bombs off of guys that can throw 100 MPH? to me nothing...

I understand that some guys did them and some didnt but, you cant be putting *'s next to records of players that may or may not have used steriods. Until you can tell me when exactly players started using and when they stopped then you can start putting *'s next to players names. The problem with it is that you will NEVER be able to tell when players started and stopped.

Baseball just needs to own it, say that it was something that happened and move on. There is nothing you can do to change the past.

And remember if you arnt cheating you arnt trying!
True. Not to mention what about all the players that slid threw the cracks, and didnt get tested. you know they are out there. Reguardless of what you guys think the players in the 90's and 2000's are the best players to play the game. the seasons are longer and the players are better. noone can say that they didnt enjoy watching barry bonds hit 500ft bombs into the cove, against the worlds best pitchers.
Personally I dont care one way or the other if players did steriods. They were not illegal at the time and what is better than going to the yard and seeing guys hit 500ft bombs off of guys that can throw 100 MPH? to me nothing...

Exactly. I think that if ive grown up and watched over 25 years of performance enhanced athletes then thats what id like to keep watching. Youre right as well Fabb that if you arent cheating you arent trying.

and to agree with the brother I djack for one loved watching Bonds hit all those homers because I was always a Bonds fan. I think his name should definitely be in the conversation of greatest to ever play.
So the people that tested positive should have an asterisk next to theyre name in the record book? Why? Because they took performance enhancers? So youre saying the guys in the 60's and 70's shouldnt be in because they all cheated too using amphetamines (something that was illegal to have in the US after the late 60's)? And if youre going to go and take out all the people that cheated for the game that America loved then who would be left?

Babe Ruth the greatest ever was a drunk and a womanizer and woman beater who was involved in numerous other off field incidents that were covered up because well he was Babe Ruth but theres no asterisk next to his name.

Ty Cobb had numerous rumors around him dealing with rapes and murders and like most people that watch the game dont know he was the first person ever elected to the Hall of Fame. But how could they put an asterisk next to his name when he was one of the first all stars of MLB with a career .366 average (hitting over .400 3 times)?

All this and Pete Rose cant get in because he bet while manager that the Reds would win. For some that dont know the Reds went on to sweep the World Series that year 4-0 over the A's. They should have an asterisk about that too.

Lawrence Taylor is in the Hall of Fame and everyone knows he was on cocaine so he should have an asterisk too?

I dont think any of them should be denied. Steroids and other performance enhancers are part of todays world and part of society. If they want to put up that it was a different era with those things involved then do that.

And Clemens will prolly help out with spring training with the Astros but i doubt he will play again :(

Sorry bro but u need to read what i being rumored to being involed with rapes and murders cheating the game of baseball? Cmon pay attention if Babe was a drunk that makes what he did even more impressive, your gonna tell me the amphetimines they supposedly took in the 60's are equal to steriods and hgh of today? boy you must be smokin some good stuff, pass it over here lol. It is my belief that if you have failed a drug test and cheated your way into the record books by taking a Performance inhancing drug that your records should without a doubt seperate from the honest hard working players that stayed away from it...and without a doubt they should release the rest of the names and clean the game of baseball up by revealing the cheaters. GO Cubs GO I:I
Sorry bro but u need to read what i being rumored to being involed with rapes and murders cheating the game of baseball? Cmon pay attention if Babe was a drunk that makes what he did even more impressive, your gonna tell me the amphetimines they supposedly took in the 60's are equal to steriods and hgh of today? boy you must be smokin some good stuff, pass it over here lol. It is my belief that if you have failed a drug test and cheated your way into the record books by taking a Performance inhancing drug that your records should without a doubt seperate from the honest hard working players that stayed away from it...and without a doubt they should release the rest of the names and clean the game of baseball up by revealing the cheaters. GO Cubs GO

First of all i did read what you wrote. But i dont think you read what you wrote. Is being rumored to being involved with rapes and murders cheating the game? No its not cheating the game and it doesnt help it either.

Cheated your way into the record books by taking "performance enhancing drugs" wouldnt allow amphetamines to fall under that category?

And no i dont think that amphetamines and steroids are the same but i also dont think that a guy that sucked down greenies like potato chips before every game in the 70's while playing baseball should be immortalized but the guy in the Nfl that took ephedrine gets a 4 game suspension.

So you think that all the guys in the NFL that play on either defensive or offensive line are all natural? Just good nutrition and hitting the gym? And you can be 330 lbs and run a 4.5 40 and thats all natural right? Just some GNC and anyone can do it right? They all do it. Some get caught and others dont.

And speaking of smoking something as a Cubs fan you really cant say anything after Sosa. since out of the entire steroid era you have the only guy that did steroids and used a corked bat. so i guess if he didnt use steroids he should be in the Hall of Fame? He only got caught with the corked bat a few times so he prolly hit the rest of those homers with a regular bat right?

Honest hard working players? That rape, steal, beat theyre wives, sell drugs, get hooked on drugs and alcohol, cheat on theyre taxes (wow thats a good one Jeter), kill people, orchestrate dog mass murders (Vick), videotape other teams practices to steal signals, steal signs in baseball to win World Series, and then at the end of it let the referee come in and rig the whole Nba finals for all the honest hard working players to get screwed on.

Sorry man honesty and hard working went out the window with sports back when The Brady Bunch was still new on tv. Your gonna have to come up with something a little better then that to convince me that guys that went out and played the game for 20 years shouldnt be in the HOF because they used whatever to make themselves better.

Another fact. Taking steroids doesnt mean your going to hit 73 homers. You still have to have the skill and ability. If you dont believe me look up Jeremy Giambi's career power numbers. He took steroids what did he ever do? 50-60 homers over what 7-8 years? He should get a refund or something