Arguing on the Forum!!!


New Member
Aug 15, 2009
Floyds Knobs, IN
I don't know about you other members, but doesn't it seem that everyone is starting to fight over stupid sh*t? I've already caught myself doing it....I wish everyone could get along without arguing on something they don't agree with...If i argue with someone, i PM them if I have a problem what they say...not saying you have to do it but it would be better than all of us members hearing about IT!!!
hehe yb i like that pic lol but yea it kind of has been getting bad but we are quad owners and its cold and cold makes every one more pissy well thats how it is around here ne ways
yep same getting sick of it.. alot is about the shearer pipes.. imo thats what alot of it is about. and the cold dont help nothing either
the forum has changed so much since i have been here. it used to be so chill now its like you say one wrong word a war breaks out. Thats all i have to say on the matter im outta this thread
People jump in sh*t that they shouldent even be in, which starts fights and wars. Everybody needs to stop there bitchin and if you have nothing nice to say keep it to yourself.