Anyone ever have one?


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
Has anyone ever had a 80's Yamaha Moto4 YFM80? Ive been looking for a starter quad for my 5 yr old. I have a chance to pick one up for $50. Im goin to look at it this weekend. The guy says its been sitting for 10 yrs or so and he thinks there water down in the motor from sitting. If I get this which Im sure I will are they good or junk? Any comments welcome. Thanks

PS I figured if anything ill fix it up and sell it for a few hundred if he doesnt want it or ends up not being interested. Hopefully he will and we can ride together.
never had one but i have seen a suspension but u can really mod them..the one i saw at the trails had a grown man on it..2stroke and it was quick,,,i would say for that price get it!!!! engine CANT be hard to work on..i think it is also known as a badger?
yeah my step brother has one for his daughter and shes 9 it does about 34mph with an adult on it so you might wanna govern it...
but yeah there a good starter quad..
I got a yfm 100 champ about 10 years ago that had had water in the cylinder. Champ 100 & Badger 80 are about the same. 4 stroke with a trans that doesn't use a clutch but you still shift it. Good trainer. Suspension sucks but kids don't seem to care. Older ones had no rear suspension. They added a spring later. The rings where stuck in the piston. I freed up the rings, honed the cylinder, lapped the valves, cleaned everything up and threw it back together. Smoked a bit but ran for 3 years and was still running when we sold it. Don't remember it having a chain, maybe inclosed shaft? For $50 you can't go wrong. The starter's worth that much :)

i have a 85 moto-4 200cc. The thing is a straight up beast. It's my camp quad, so I leave it out all year round not covered. I usually only ride it 5-6 times per year cause I got the blastyy, but yeah.. Starts 3-4th pull. Amazing Quad.
Cool...Thanks for the input guys. The guy gave me his # and as soon as he answers Im gonna set up a day to go look at it. Im def gonna pick it up.
never had one but i have seen a suspension but u can really mod them..the one i saw at the trails had a grown man on it..2stroke and it was quick,,,i would say for that price get it!!!! engine CANT be hard to work on..i think it is also known as a badger?
No suspension at all:o. I thought you were just saying that to be sarcastic but after seeing the picture I see what you mean.
My first quad was a Suzuki LT80 which is an oil injected 2 stroke and it was pretty fast but was really narrow. I have never ridden or seen anyone riding a Badger but for $50 go for it!
i have one sitting in the basement got it when i was 4 of coarse it doesnt run anymore i rode it forever dnt really remember much bout riding it but i do remember we never really had any probs with it
See how much fun I had with our little $80 Yamaha. :) Was it appriciated? Not! B) Little Kids like mud better than shine. By the time we sold the thing you couldn't tell it had ever been cleaned up. Of course his next quad was a Blaster. I:I

my lil bro has one awsome to mess around on. goes through little mudd holes like nobodies businees. now gotta try to get it running again.. i kno the post is old just want to see if anybody is still lookin
I got one for free. cleaned the crap out of the carb a few times, but still wont run right... guess I need a new carb for it...

i think its a 91 moto4 champ. it has rear suspension
my cousin had one like 10 years ago that thing was alot of fun I rember at 5 or 6 we would take turns ridin and jumping it around the yard getting 2inchs of air and thinking we where the best riders ahahha