Damn! Heres my story :
I Almost got my blaster stolen today! Just thought I'd let you guys know so you can be more precautious when riding cos its a dangerous world out there, especially in South Africa. Been riding quads without an incident since 2006.
Well this is how it all started. I was in my yard washing my bike and stuff and i noticed these 2 black guys walking pass. They greeted me and walked on. Anyway I didn't care and carried on with was i was doing.
So after washing it I decided to go for a ride around the block. As I was returning and taking the last turn to go back home, these 2 guys jumped out of the bush and threw a brick at me!
I was like WTF didnt realise what gear I was in I just dropped and raced forward! i Turned my head around and what do we know, another brick approaching the bike. These people have no brains he actually thinks that a brick can catch a blasty! Anyway i raced home parked the blaster in the garage and went out to look for them. Well thats kinda hard when they all look the same!
Sick and tired of crime in this country! All this nation do is commit crime. Basically all of them are thieves. I'm really scared to go riding again imagine if this had to happen while being offroad and in a remote area!
All they do is steal! This country is gone to the dogs! X(
So guys all im saying is be safe, and be alert when riding. Especially my fellow South Africans!
Keep safe. Peace I:I
I Almost got my blaster stolen today! Just thought I'd let you guys know so you can be more precautious when riding cos its a dangerous world out there, especially in South Africa. Been riding quads without an incident since 2006.
Well this is how it all started. I was in my yard washing my bike and stuff and i noticed these 2 black guys walking pass. They greeted me and walked on. Anyway I didn't care and carried on with was i was doing.
So after washing it I decided to go for a ride around the block. As I was returning and taking the last turn to go back home, these 2 guys jumped out of the bush and threw a brick at me!

Sick and tired of crime in this country! All this nation do is commit crime. Basically all of them are thieves. I'm really scared to go riding again imagine if this had to happen while being offroad and in a remote area!

So guys all im saying is be safe, and be alert when riding. Especially my fellow South Africans!
Keep safe. Peace I:I