Almost Got Hijacked On My Blasty !


Feb 25, 2010
South Africa (Durban)
Damn! Heres my story :

I Almost got my blaster stolen today! Just thought I'd let you guys know so you can be more precautious when riding cos its a dangerous world out there, especially in South Africa. Been riding quads without an incident since 2006.

Well this is how it all started. I was in my yard washing my bike and stuff and i noticed these 2 black guys walking pass. They greeted me and walked on. Anyway I didn't care and carried on with was i was doing.

So after washing it I decided to go for a ride around the block. As I was returning and taking the last turn to go back home, these 2 guys jumped out of the bush and threw a brick at me! :o I was like WTF didnt realise what gear I was in I just dropped and raced forward! i Turned my head around and what do we know, another brick approaching the bike. These people have no brains he actually thinks that a brick can catch a blasty! Anyway i raced home parked the blaster in the garage and went out to look for them. Well thats kinda hard when they all look the same!

Sick and tired of crime in this country! All this nation do is commit crime. Basically all of them are thieves. I'm really scared to go riding again imagine if this had to happen while being offroad and in a remote area! :o All they do is steal! This country is gone to the dogs! X(

So guys all im saying is be safe, and be alert when riding. Especially my fellow South Africans!

Keep safe. Peace I:I
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as bad as i want a special edition blaster, i think i'd have thrown a brick at you too...

ahahahaha, i'm joking man. thieves suck. you should have just ran over them.
Time to arm yourself and I've been thinking of doing the same thing for myself. Been thinking about trying to fit a knife and/or telescoping night stick in my boot and then maybe a .22 on my person. :o There are lots of dangerous snakes out in the SoCal high desert......including the dreaded "tweeker snake".
in my sig pic - thats the same turn i took and the same bush they jumped out from! LOL

If your too young for a Gun, A baseball bat will work just fine start with the shins and work your way up, They'll crumble like cupcake! (not that I know this) :-[

Oh wait get a blow gun and some darts! They have that there right?
ag dont stress man, they were just having their definition of "fun" destruction is in their blood, once you understand that, find a way to handle it, the kids in the transkei throw stones at me pretty often, but its just out of fun/mischieve on their side, if you chase them they run like rabbits screaming out of terror.

welcome to SA! gotta love it!
at least ol JUJU got fired today! thats a BIG relief for the country, one racist idiot down. maybe now he can go back to school and get his Grade 6...
Damn! Heres my story :

I Almost got my blaster stolen today! Just thought I'd let you guys know so you can be more precautious when riding cos its a dangerous world out there, especially in South Africa. Been riding quads without an incident since 2006.

Well this is how it all started. I was in my yard washing my bike and stuff and i noticed these 2 black guys walking pass. They greeted me and walked on. Anyway I didn't care and carried on with was i was doing.

So after washing it I decided to go for a ride around the block. As I was returning and taking the last turn to go back home, these 2 guys jumped out of the bush and threw a brick at me! :o I was like WTF didnt realise what gear I was in I just dropped and raced forward! i Turned my head around and what do we know, another brick approaching the bike. These people have no brains he actually thinks that a brick can catch a blasty! Anyway i raced home parked the blaster in the garage and went out to look for them. Well thats kinda hard when they all look the same!

Sick and tired of crime in this country! All this nation do is commit crime. Basically all of them are thieves. I'm really scared to go riding again imagine if this had to happen while being offroad and in a remote area! :o All they do is steal! This country is gone to the dogs! X(

So guys all im saying is be safe, and be alert when riding. Especially my fellow South Africans!

Keep safe. Peace I:I

I would have wheeled arround tward them at a good distance and fliped them off makeing kissing noises at them.
i have heard of a few bike jackings in Joburg area at tracks were the guys actually know what they are doing and swipe your kit etc at gun point. thankfully, the criminals in the rest of SA are pretty dumb
I would have wheeled arround tward them at a good distance and fliped them off makeing kissing noises at them.

Folks this is Africa! You can't charge back into danger! Not even a blaster can out run a AK47 auto(gun of choice)
Glad you are alright, like Blaner say, properly just kids messing around, but always keep safe, never ride alone in the veld, NEVER carry a gun(unless it is licensed in your NAME). The cops will have a field day with you when the non-reflective folk lay charges for shooting at them.
Moral of the story! Africa ain't for sissy's, Keep safe!
Oh DAM! glad you ok, Africa Sucks, South Africa is still ok, well Cape Town at least :D we still under the DA government.

This sort of thing happens all over the world, unfortunately it happens a lot in SA because our Police is up to S*&T and we have an infestation of K's.

Anyway, let this be a warning to all on the Forum, keep your eyes open, keep safe, and practice wheeling into punching bags so when the day comes, you in control :D
Sorry to hear about your bad luck man

Its a scary place out there that is why it is always better to go riding in a group because thay will target you for the R20 in your pocket they wont go for the bike but they will go for any thing els you might have with you, cell phone ect. Where I live it has happend that people have been throw off there bike's with bricks,and robbed, thay are just a bunch of animals.