alluminum polish

here is your proof...



no befores but here is my afters


yes and no.... mine were realllly chewed up from never ever being polished... oil redue caked on, really oxidiesd... i used a medium wire wheel to get the crud off , than polished by hand using 0000 steel wool and mothers polish... dont wipe the polish residue off from the steel wool and polish... wait 2-3 min than take a clean piece of steel and go to town on it tell all the haze from the polish is gone.... ( if have amothers poweer ball or power cone use it now with polish) if not take polish on a rag and rub and rub ... than take aclean rag and rub/polish/ buff by hand tell you have aalmost mirror finish

btw i just leanred the taken the clean steel wool after the steel wool and polish part today.. made mild steel exhaust pipe look like polished stainless.. so your shine should turn out even nicer than mine did in the pics
well... if there brand new than just polish on a rag... if you keep up on them and clean them after every 'dirt' ride' ( atleast wipe the dust off after riding) than they will stay nice and clean and should only need to re polish them ever few months or every month depending on the amount of crap you get on them.
atleast you knoww aht to do if they get nasty
get get them for all around???? what off set did you go with for the rear?? i bought a rear set of douglas? rims with tubed like new hole shots from 'the ox' and just on the rim off set i picked up almost 2 inches in the reaer
yea cant wait to get them.been wanting to do this for so long.i also got new parts unlimited clutch and front brake perches and them both for $30.i bought some chrome valve stems but they dont fit