ahhhh sucks :(

Lemme get this straight...

You help you mom pay rent (Something no kid should do), but she wont allow you to buy a truck with your own money? LOL, no offense, but id tell her to goto hell.

She makes sense. If he doesn't have his licence, he will still have to register ( And insure in my state ) and he can't even drive it! So there isn't really a point. So saving up more, can turn into better truck/better quad.

Hang in there, you don't have a quad, mines almost always broken! I know how you feel, i gotta pay for all my quad sh*t, and my own car, insurance, and gas.
She makes sense. If he doesn't have his licence, he will still have to register ( And insure in my state ) and he can't even drive it! So there isn't really a point. So saving up more, can turn into better truck/better quad.

Hang in there, you don't have a quad, mines almost always broken! I know how you feel, i gotta pay for all my quad sh*t, and my own car, insurance, and gas.

Him not having his license, or even being able to drive isnt the point i was talking about.

If i was a teenager, and my mom could not afford to keep a roof over MY head, her SON, and i had to help her pay the bills, then she proceeded to tell me what i can and cannot spend my hard earned money on, id tell her to get f-ed.

Idk, maybe im coming off harsh. But i think thats rediculous.
why can't our quads be street legal !!!! in Montana where I'm from it wasn't unusual to be on the street and not get hassled by the police you could even get your utility quad street legal license.and in Missouri where I am now ,I see ****ING golf carts with license plates and old farts driving them like cars .how is this fair? 50 cc mopeds that go 25 miles an hour ,golf carts ,the snowmobiles in Minnesota and Harleys but no are quads can not touch the street.it's just not fair I want to so badly by a blinker kit,street tires, headlight and horn and go riping through town ;)
and on a second note .help your mom ,don't buy a nice car for your first 1 you will wreck it ,having a 4 wheeler and living in a tent look stupid.if I was late on my rent and my kid with saving money for a toy I would take theirs too .if you don't like it move out ,but then you could not afford a truck and a 4 wheeler.it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all .just be happy you owned a 4 wheeler in your teens. not trying to be rude but that's life and it's hard
Lemme get this straight...

You help you mom pay rent (Something no kid should do), but she wont allow you to buy a truck with your own money? LOL, no offense, but id tell her to goto hell.

I really condone Q10 helping with rent, if I was in the situation that I know that he and his Mom is in, I would expect my son to do the same.

I know that Q10 does not begrudge his Mom the money, he is just perplexed that she took the money without notice.

As for telling your parent to go to hell, I have been there and I can assure you that 14 years in the world as a street kid is no fun, it aint no life at all.
Lets see, mom taking my money without telling me to pay rent or living in the back of the Honda Pilot with mom, and having money in the bank 8-|
Telling mom to F-off, her living in the pilot and me under a bridge with money in the bank :o

Or maybe we could sit down and talk about this?I:I
i have my permit which means i am able to drive anything i want as long as someone who is 21yo+ in the front seat. and i cant drive out of state. but i can buy a truck and drive it, but not by myself. and im planning on buying a ford ranger 5speed. im not looking into a mercadies or somethin. and truth be told, if i bought a truck now, i would have ot pay for insurance, and register it, so i would be wasting money for only being able to drive at most 2 times in 2 weeks. not worth it. tell your parents that care to go to hell is not something that would/should be done. my family is trying our best, but it takes 3 of us to do it. so i dont mind putting some in. now if i lived with my dad, that would be a different story.