A few odds and ends items left.


800 V Twin
Aug 6, 2010
Busco Beach NC/ Goldsboro
Everthing sold so far but chain slider and lowering blocks.


Lowering blocks, must be used with stock shocks, they didnt work to allow longer shock. 25 shipped


Cdi,coil and rectifier all working good. 30 shipped


Freeks rear chain slider. 25 shipped

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i may take those lights and slider. let me see how much money i have. how bright are those lights? also can they be taken off the bracket to mount elsewhere? thanks
i may take those lights and slider. let me see how much money i have. how bright are those lights? also can they be taken off the bracket to mount elsewhere? thanks

Lights can be taken off bracket and mounted elsewhere but they do look good mounted where the stock light is located. They worked better than my stock light as far as light. For both items 50 shipped.slider&lights
Lights can be taken off bracket and mounted elsewhere but they do look good mounted where the stock light is located. They worked better than my stock light as far as light. For both items 50 shipped.slider&lights

let me check if i have any money lol but ill get back to you on that