good info and thanks. will just rebuild my old carb, I had to replace the clutch basket as the engine had sat in the rain, when I opened up the case water came poring out. The other I am not sure on yet, if its good or not, might just buy one. I am on a budget. Might have to stop here till spring. But its being built for the spring anyhow.
Just buy the essentials, forget the bling stuff.
Put together a solid gearbox, crank and crankcase, everything else can be swapped or put on later.
Frame and crankcase are the backbone, everything else is easily interchangeable on these beautiful little bikes.
If it sits around until spring, you may never get it finished.
You have a frame coming, build an engine. Start with a crank. Less than $200.
Replace what parts you have to, and NO MODS until after you get it running.
Why no mods? Because you will not know why or what is causing it to run like sh*te!
Put it together as stock as possible, with perhaps some exceptions like:
- If you need a pipe, buy the one you'd like, but if the stock one is good, use it!
- If you need a crank, buy a stuffed crank or a 3mm stroker (no more!) for very little more.
- Replace only the parts you need, and remember not all aftermarket parts are upgrades.
If you put the bike together as stock as possible:
1) It will be cheapest,
2) it will be the fastest way to get it running
3) you are assured the greatest chance of success in getting it to run reliably
4) you will get more and more reliable advice on any problems you have
5) you will be able to tell if any future mods actually work by comparing them to stock.
Don't stop, don't wait until Spring. Put it together.
Don't worry about loose bushings, worn parts, painting, or making it perfect,
because every little job on these bikes is only and hour or 2 here or there.
The entire Blaster can be disassembled and reassembled in a day. Seriously. Fear not.
So get her done, get her going.
Build a good crankcase, put it in a good frame and start bolting the parts on.
If it is bent or worn, put it on for now and order a new one.
Not much except sloppy pistons and dirt in the crank bearing will ruin your day.
Get'er done!