90 blaster won't rev

That's exactly what I did. Grounded both wires to the stator. I also made the coil have it's own ground, the stator have it's own ground, and the CDI box have it's own ground. I thought maybe that I had to many ground in one spot at first(very unlikely).

I don't know anyone with a blaster to use parts off of
your missing the point
what plug boot is that?
read pg 2 from henry last one on pg

in a private message he told me he had wrong spark plug the amk coil plug boot he had was the problem and a pin hole in float
but main problem JUST like your was the amk coil and boot on plug.

like i said at the first post those electrical parts all 3 of them are
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I have seen the cheapo stators work fine at idle and not under a load.

Exactly..!! I was trying to get to that I just couldn't spit it out ,, lol...

Quick question.. Does it start right up when you first start it? If it were flooding it wouldn't be an easy start.. NO blockage in Exhaust?!? critters build nests quick and 99% of the time an engine will idle fine but wont rev at all.. That also goes for a blockage on the intake. You have good steady fuel flow to the carb?
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Yes start first kick. I can even use my left foot and standing off to the side and kick it and it start right up!
I just got home so I'm going to take the carb and intake boot off as well as the exhaust, I was also thinking about a clogged exhaust.
Good fuel flow to the carb.
No restriction in the intake or exhaust. I'm letting the carb sit over night fully submerged in seafoam.
I took Everything out of the carb. It's just the case. All jets are soaking as well.
Reeds looked to be in good condition
If you have the duct from the airbox off so that you can see fuel being drawn up past the needle, the engine could be running that lean that it will no run properly and the sad thing is that you may just destroy that engine.

Get that air cleaner back on pronto!
I understand what you are saying,
I've ran it with the filter on and off and it makes no diffrence on the way it runs.
well if there is no difference, leave it on... and dont run with it off. imagine you suck a piece of sand into the engine. goes through the ports gets stuck on a ring or something and scratches the bore.
If restricting the flow with an air filter makes no difference there must be something very amiss with the carby or you have a massive air leak!