90 blaster won't rev

you need to fiigure out what stator and anything electrical done to it,what they are called everytime someone has replaced electrical parts with none other then oem.....they have never work,please believe thato_O...Also what is the compression at? CHECK IT..my advice is get oem,stater ,coil ,cdi,or at least check them out.Also have you checked the reeds?,What plug b8es?
It's right at 145psi.

I've OHMd the coil and stator out and it is within spec in my Yamaha manual. Everything is virtually right dead center of the ohms reading that it needs to be in.
I will check the reeds as i didt really look at those.
im telling you you can check them all you want you need oem electric parts.
EVERONE that has come on here with a problem that stated they have aftermart electrical parts has failed
and even brought to shops only to have shop replace with oem electric parts.:)
NOT saying this is your only problem but it will be or will be your next ..:)
I ripped all wiring out because the previous owner didn't know what they were doing.

I rewired it per the wiring diagram.
I personally thought of that myself when I first kicked it over,
I thought about getting an oem stator, But then it looked like it could have been fuel related....so I went with the cheaper, I'll prob get an own stator when I can.
as long as there is fuel in carb bowl and pilot and main are not clogged it would rev even with gas off,as long the slide and needle are lifting in carb which obviously are :)
Its a 5 wire.

I have black and green/white both going to ground.

When I was playing with it trying to get it to spark I had grounded black and no spark,

I then grounded green/white and it sparked.
It is an adjustable stator plate, It's on -5 right now. Idk if thus correct or not. I tried moving it around an it didn't seem to make one bit of diffrence.

I've thought of clogged exhaust(haven't had a chance to look into that yet).

The intake boot seems fine but I'm going to take it off and look for splits(vacuum leak possibly?)
electrical diagram is for stock stator im try to think were that extra wire is supposed to go im having a brain fart awk or someone else would def know:)
I did some reading on other sites and they all said to adopt a late model stator to an early model quad to ground both black and green/white wires.