6th to fifth lock up


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
madison ohio
so i was krankin in sixth and droped it down to fifth and it was to early.and it stalled after the r's went up high .. i stoped my quad and the kickstart wouldnt budge . i thought i fried it but after i got home and unloade, my friend jumped on and kicked right over..is this somthing thats happend to anyone else ? and what kind of dammage did i do?
I don't think that's happened before but I do know that there have been people who were at the top of 6th and let the gas out which caused a lean condition and blew the motor
its real weird the whole thing seeved up ..we were rideng on the rode and whent down a massive hill and it was redlining in sixth and shortly after once i droped down it acted like i droped it into 1st ..i tried droping it to 2nd to jumpstart it and it compleatly locked up..got off and the kicker was locked solid..20 min later it seems fine
Check the compression, the piston, and the cylinder walls to check for any score marks or chunks taken off. Worst case is you have to get your cylinder bored and get a new piston to match it.
ya its called over reving and blowing your engine. take your topend apart and start ordering parts and finding someone to hone/bore the cylinder.
its real weird the whole thing seeved up ..we were rideng on the rode and whent down a massive hill and it was redlining in sixth and shortly after once i droped down it acted like i droped it into 1st ..i tried droping it to 2nd to jumpstart it and it compleatly locked up..got off and the kicker was locked solid..20 min later it seems fine

definitely sounds like the problem i described in my first post
tear the top end off and have a look at the cylinder and piston.....if you siezed the engine there has got to be scaring......hope you got about 250 bones for a rebuild