+4/+6 swinger questions


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
what big of a difference will they do i ride alot of sand=) and i kinda want a longer bike to clib hills without feelin like ima tip bacwords. ride with alot of yfz and trx i no im not where near close for the power and that problem is being solved but what would yll recommend and what will it do, also do they come with bearings?
I don't get ride in the sand but my plus 4 is a godsend in keeping the front end down. I do trails, hills and jumps. Made my own and will never have a stock one again.
Unless your doing strictly hill climbs or drag racing I'd just go with the +4", I noticed a big difference in the trail riding after I put on the swingarm and I think the +6" would be a PAIN!
is plus four a big change in the bike? i got my hole bike torn down doing a full restore and im not gonna stick with the stock swinger will it have bearings and sh*t cause mine are pretty welll shot and is there anything else i will need to install it (special tools) and what not i no an extended rear break cable is needed and that i have but what chain should i get i prolly will end up goin with the plus four i really just wanna get my blasty to the size of the 450's and there always much longer and alot less tippy so yah.
I don't get ride in the sand but my plus 4 is a godsend in keeping the front end down. I do trails, hills and jumps. Made my own and will never have a stock one again.
Did you lenthen the stock one or make it from scratch? I was thinking about adding a 4" section between the pivot and the shock mount portion. I was thinking that moving the stock shock mount back 4" would help with keeping the bike lower with the longer trx250r or ifs450 rear shock. Not sure how the more inclined angle would affect the shocks performance though.
Also this would put less stress on the spliced in section.
+4 is great i love mine. reallly helps in all ways. definatly more stable, get some +3 wheel spacers while your at it
does the swinger come with bearings???? and what about will i need any special tools to mount it up is it hard to do? also what size chain??
does the swinger come with bearings???? and what about will i need any special tools to mount it up is it hard to do? also what size chain??

If you get one from "The Swing Arm Shop" it will have bushings in the pivots, and you'll need 8" more than the stocker chain.
No special tools, if you got you old arm off you've done the hard part.
Did you lenthen the stock one or make it from scratch? I was thinking about adding a 4" section between the pivot and the shock mount portion. I was thinking that moving the stock shock mount back 4" would help with keeping the bike lower with the longer trx250r or ifs450 rear shock. Not sure how the more inclined angle would affect the shocks performance though.
Also this would put less stress on the spliced in section.

I added 4" after the shock mount. If you add it before you would lower it a few inches imo the shock would be on to much of an angle. With the stock shock it raised it about an inch or so, with the 400ex shock another 1 1/2 +.
As far as the splice if you don't trust your fab work have someone else do it. I welded mine and have had no issues.
i cant weld aluminum=/ but about pulling the swinger and bushings part, ive pulled the swinger a few times but this time when i did i usually have a jact under the swinger so when i pull the bolt it sits right about where i need it but this time the biotch fell off the jack so it was a pain to get back on and now its like wobbly when i got it mounted back up.

can somone give me a link to a STORE not ebay to get the chain for prolly a +4 thanks
the swingarm isn't aluminum it's steel. I added 4 inches to my stock to keep stock look. It was really easy. I took measurement from inside swingarm of rear engine pivot to center of shock mount. layed the swingarm on flat table cut,added 4 inches. if i remember right i used 1 1/2 inch x 2 sqaure tubing which is stock swingarm size. then also another piece measured,cut put in place on center a cross brace of 1 1/2 inch x2 tubing for the new shock mount from original stock shock measurement. then used 1/4 inch thick x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 angle iron with corners rounded with the correct size of shock bolt mounting hole drilled and then welded in place. Only took a few hrs to do.
Where are you getting the +4 brake cables? I have the E-brake elimanator cable that uses a 1/2" loop at the brake lever end.
i use the same +4 eliminator kit it makes rear brakes very nice compared to stock with parking brake. if you really want a parking brake it's a little more work but you can fab a new piece out of aluminum that goes into the front brake 2-1 cable block mounted on front of your frame. copy it except make 2 holes on top instead of one and get an old cable and run it to your original parking brake lever. parking brake would be on front wheels instead of rear.
well i must say yall got some good lookin blasters, but honestly i guess mines a beater jus havin fun n when sh*t breaks i try to fix it best i can i just tend to jerry rig sh*t lol but the sh*t still romps! haha anways i do alota wear and tear jus tryin have fun for as long as i can so this was my next idea for and upgrade but like will it handle alota hard wear and tear i dono will the ones on ebay take a good beating? lol