240 big bore +3mm stroker in the works!

that is true verry true but the motor stuff thats all custom o man thats prolly how yb got his afterburner lol

I know! I gotta ask him to make me one for my quad. Then maybe I could figure out how to manufacture a new powerband. Hahahaha. I saw that on a thread somewhere... someone bought a powerband.

This is accurate.
lol dude if you dint know u can just go to a good hard ware store and get a power band but dont forget your exhaust washers, blinker fluid and tire tape u never now when yur gonna need it and the power bands come in different sizes and strengths too
so by that graph, my stock blaster is pushing 44hp? thats as much, if not more, than a 450f? something doesnt seem right guy.. my blaster deff has atleast 90hp
Oh I know, that's very fake lol. I Microsoft Painted the old names in there with blasters.
I just got done taking an airbox off of my GTS viper and mounting to gas power RC plane motors to "charge" the airbox...My sh*t is running so fast, so strong...it now smokes all 4 tires!! I must be laying down 150 ponies...yeah at least a 150. i think its a pretty conservative guess. Ive got like 2 billion dollars invested but i will be willing to let it go for ummmm 137 bucks and 18 cents.