2010 yamaha banshee

Ah thats brillaint. I live in the north of Ireland which isnt in the eu i think. so i can head to the south which is so i can buy myself a new banshee. How annoyin for you americans. HA!

northern ireland is in the eu, its part of the uk im positive you can still get them in scotland aswell
this years banshee looks so sick its 2nd to when they made them in yellow got to respect the old yami colors.. but im not a fan of them really
I hate the god damn EPA they did some smart things but banning 2 strokes was the dumbest thing they ever did a piece of junk prius pollutes more than 20 2 strokes do in a year
figures. they do a red, white, and blue banshee AFTER they aren't made in the states anymore.. haha