2002 Stroker Blaster For Sale, Philly PA

Jan 22, 2008
Hey all,

I am selling my 2002 3mil stroker Blaster to purchase something a little bigger... It has a bunch of goodies already installed, plus some extra parts...

I have it for sale on Craigslist- but I keep getting scammers...

Its located in the Philly, PA area.

Please PM or email if anyone is interested. I would definately work with a forum member on the price..


I'd like to do that, but I really don't have the time or energy...

I will sell this quad to a forum member for $1200...
you will get more out of it, you can sell the motor alone for like 4 or 5 on here and someone will buy it, your nerfs prob like 125, i mean those are suggestions, but you will sell it quicker and make more than 12 i think