2 stroke V.s 4 storke

4 strokes are the way to go for racing, 4 strokes are all about the low end to mid range power which is what i need for to race, there are a few 2 stoke hold outs around here and they are always getting smoked from the start. 2 strokes are a blast and still rule the dunes due to having all their power high up which helps in the sand. but the now existent low end power really hinders any two stroke especially on the tight stuff.. we con go on for days but even the pro engine builders say the 4-strokes are engineered to have nothing but usable power, 2 strokes have high numbers always but the power hits soo late compared to a 4 stroke you cant honestly compare the raw numbers, apple to oranges... i think if some re-engineering was to happen to create a modern 2-stoke then it would be the way to go, but till then im stickin to my 4-strokes when it comes to racing my results speak for themselves , i noticed a big difference in my finishes when i switched to 4-strokes back in 2004
and where do we in pennsylvania have that far of wide open runs ????

noobers lil 200cc raping this kfx450

YouTube - ‪kyle vs kfx450 @lawton 6-19-11‬‏

meh kfx = slow and when i mean slow..i mean my old z400 ran neck and neck with them and all it had was a rev box,piped and jetted..

my yfz rapes them by 4-6 lengths in 110-130 yards..

this is pa bro.. there are clearings and fields here.. some not flat as that beach would be.. but good climbs that are 5th gear pinners..

Now im just talking about TOP END.. lets give noobers quad a chance to grab 6th and let him pin it.. see if the kfx would catch.. we know it would.. noober will have to let off or blow it up.. the kfx = pin and hold..