Nahhhh, I dont think the frame is bent. It's never been in a roll over or anything major, but my friend did like to ride it on its side 2 wheels, thats why im thinking its a bent tab... Im not sure, here are some pics i took while walking out the door to class. Gonna have to fiddle around tonight.
The second picture makes the alignment look way out of whack, first picture gives you a better idea of what it looks like.

Do you suppose it could be these metal bushings type things? It seems to start binding when it gets fully through these, its left some rub marks from the binding.

Edit: oh yeah, one more thing, the axle binds and doesnt line up correctly when inserted from either side, which makes me want to blame the middle bushings for the misalignment
The second picture makes the alignment look way out of whack, first picture gives you a better idea of what it looks like.

Do you suppose it could be these metal bushings type things? It seems to start binding when it gets fully through these, its left some rub marks from the binding.

Edit: oh yeah, one more thing, the axle binds and doesnt line up correctly when inserted from either side, which makes me want to blame the middle bushings for the misalignment