1989 Suzuki LT 250r

me and my dad looked at a lt250r, guy was saying it was a 92, i was like ya no it isn't dude, it has a linkage shock setup. most people are retards.
another dude is selling a banshee, i want to buy it, guy says it is a 98, and it is a j-arm frame. what a dipshit.
Im guessing its the older style because of the exhaust coming out the side instead of straight out like the newer ones and like the blasters. That makes me wonder what else he is lying about.....
I'm gonna say its an '85-'86 just from looking at the pics. The grey motor, exhaust looks like it exits at an angle and the front shocks look like the shorter ones that suzuki put on the older models
So if it is for sure the older one which I think it is, should I stay away or get it anyway. How do they do in the trails without the power valve
Do the non power valve ones have a lot more power than a blaster? I was reading on some other sites an it said they don't have much more than a blaster.
yeah man from what i can see it is an 85/86 with a 87+ seat.. they are still a good quad..not as powerful.. but more than a stockish blaster..
The newer shocks are longer so it would probably strain the balljoints. A newer motor won't work because the older frame has a down tube support right where the exhaust should go
IMO, just get your blaster motor built, and smoke that antique
my buddy had a 90 lt250r with the earlyer motor, the early motor will work in the later frame, the swing arm is definatly a round swinger, the motor is a85-86 i can see it threw the blur, the seats are interchangeable, the early motors were fine for trails just didnt make the same hp as my pv motor does

the reeds are under the cylinder instead of outside the jugg

here is a vid of my fmf blaster vs a fmf'd lt250r none pv... keep in mind i am a better rider

PICT0380.flv video by 4cfed88 - Photobucket

pv lt250r vs 450r

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