1987 rm250 any advice


Oct 12, 2008
anybody know about the older rm250's?
a guy offered to trade me his plus 200 cash for my blaster. says the rm is too much for him. fair deal??
ive been looking for 87 rm250 info but havent found much
if you like older bikes go for it, not sure about those though because if the motor is anything like the motor that was in the lt250 they will have their fair share of problems
i know the rm are natories for losing top end and i think cranks my friends have hade a few a 125 and a newer 250 they hate them so thats all that i know. i could be wrong this is just word of mouth from people.i personaly wouldnt do it.
yeah ive been wanting something faster for awhile but i dont wanna get something thats gonna be down more than the blasty. any and all input is great, thanks guys keep it comin
of course it will be faster then your blaster but 87 lmfao.........you can probley trade your blaster for a 01 02 yz125 or something thats a lot better of a trade
yeah i know its old, i told the guy it was too old and he said he'd throw in some cash, 200 bucks, along with it. pretty sure im not gonna trade...
Not sure about 87 250's but I love my 89 rm125.Been a great bike for me.I have had it for 14 years.Here is a pic.Not sure I would trade the blasty though.

update....I told the guy i wasnt that interested in it anymore, even with the 200 on top of his bike. he just sent me an email saying the most he could do is 325 on top of the bike. now im not sure what to do.
If the RM looks like the one that someone just posted I'd say that if you really want it then maybe you ought to go for it. But if you aren't sure and think you might regret it don't do it. See if he would take an offer for it or something, like 600 to 700 or something like that. Plus a rolling chassis. lol. Get some pictures up here though, then everyone else can help you ought more.
Well it doesn't look too bad. Looks pretty good actually for that year especially. But not sure it is worth your blaster plus cash. Up to you though, all about what you want not what everyone else would do in the situation (thought it helps, lol). I agree with several of the post, go for something newer.