12 port trail ported cylinder

well i figured id give up the ride report on this port work..bottom line its down right fuggan nasty...i had an issue with it spitting and sputtering when i put it under a load and after messing with carb for an hr finally realized that the coil wire was loose and slopping around fixed that and the thing came alive..instant throttle response, will lift up in every gear no prob at all..i havent got on it all the way cause i was still in the break in process with it..but what i felt so far was all im going to need as far as usable power for the trails...fuuny thing is im using the same jetting as i had in the 240 kit i used to run and it was dead on perfect..what are the chances of that..hopefully ill get some vids this weekend

that is really sweet glad you liked it. mines been sputtering big time might have the check the coil wire was yours just moving around or?
I KNEW IT !!! Just what ive been saying all along, "Its gonna scream!!" . The power gains are AMAZING aren't they? The first time i did a 12 port lay out i expected a lil gain in hp but it completely freaked me out when i rode it. You did great work freek !!! what pipe and carb u runnin on it now? How is the power compared to the 240?
I KNEW IT !!! Just what ive been saying all along, "Its gonna scream!!" . The power gains are AMAZING aren't they? The first time i did a 12 port lay out i expected a lil gain in hp but it completely freaked me out when i rode it. You did great work freek !!! what pipe and carb u runnin on it now? How is the power compared to the 240?

thanx alot bro...im running a 35mm pwk and a power pros pipe..as far as comparing it to the 240, i had lotsa jetting issues with that kit so it was never really tuned in right..but it feels twice as nasty as that did
Glad you like it bro.Sounds like a runner for shure!! Guess it's time to make some silly freek style belly skid so when those front tires are in the air we will still see some of that bling!! lol
Glad you like it bro.Sounds like a runner for shure!! Guess it's time to make some silly freek style belly skid so when those front tires are in the air we will still see some of that bling!! lol

lol thats a good idea, been so damn long since ive been able to ride around with the front tires in the air lol...i almost forgot how much fun it is

i also think i forgot to mention that i got rid of the spacer plate for the +3 crank which did change the port heights a tiny bit, the thing now is, i have awesome compression fron the head mod that batt did for the crank...but because i 86ed the spacer plate the piston stops about 1/2mm above the transfers at BDC, so what does that do to the incoming charge from the transfers...will it deflect off the edge of the piston??...i know i cant raise it anyway and shaving the piston i would inagine is out of the question right??...just wondering if this will be an issue, like i said it runs freekin siiick....

cmon sicivic where ya at brotha lol:p:p
just seen this thread.. that porting great man! glad you like it. i have a similiar setup ported by denny at flotek.. they are very impressive for little 200cc engines!
just seen this thread.. that porting great man! glad you like it. i have a similiar setup ported by denny at flotek.. they are very impressive for little 200cc engines!

thanx alot homieI:I..it was really a 50-50 chance it was gonna run or flop out...and im quite shocked on how it turned out...i could only imagine what dennys will do with pro hands in there
thanx alot homieI:I..it was really a 50-50 chance it was gonna run or flop out...and im quite shocked on how it turned out...i could only imagine what dennys will do with pro hands in there

welcome! i would say your chances of it running hard were better than 50/50...you know a thing or two. I:I
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AG Bell talks about shaving piston crowns to correct port timing in his 2 stroke tuning handbook. He makes the case that for port timing changes you can go too far using the crown of the piston and then throw that piston out and make the permanent changes to the transfers themselves. That way you don't ruin the cylinder by going too far. He doesn't indicate that cutting the piston crown is detrimental to engine life even though he's using the "piston cuts" for a different purpose.

Also, remember vito's "super stock" pistons? They had a 1mm pie cut on the exhaust side to change the port timing and those pistons didn't fail at any greater rate than any other pistons.

I'd say carefully measure the piston and make sure of how much you're going to have to take off. Then carefully take that much off..
AG Bell talks about shaving piston crowns to correct port timing in his 2 stroke tuning handbook. He makes the case that for port timing changes you can go too far using the crown of the piston and then throw that piston out and make the permanent changes to the transfers themselves. That way you don't ruin the cylinder by going too far. He doesn't indicate that cutting the piston crown is detrimental to engine life even though he's using the "piston cuts" for a different purpose.

Also, remember vito's "super stock" pistons? They had a 1mm pie cut on the exhaust side to change the port timing and those pistons didn't fail at any greater rate than any other pistons.

I'd say carefully measure the piston and make sure of how much you're going to have to take off. Then carefully take that much off..

good deal bro...i forgot all about the super scrap vitos psitons and there pie cut...guess it cant hurt that much...theve been fooling peeps for yrs now with those lol
as far as shaving the crown, i always used to shave down the pistons in front of the exhaust/triple a lil bit at a nice sloped angle to advancethe port timing.nothing extreme.n ur case i would just bevel the edges on the piston in front of the ports to correct the lip.this will alter port timing. if they had even a better radius the air will flow better. air hates hard 90* angles , a stock intake makes me sick with its chunky 90* walls of restriction. on another note i wouldnt shave down the whole thing unless the head is shaved also. but if it works good.run it.
Did he used an angle drill to add the aux ports to the exhaust side???

it was just a regular drill with a special long bit, but used a dremmel with a right angle to start on the inside of the cylinder then finished with the long bit through the exhaust side...but i found it was defently easier to use nates method of drilling through he sleeve with a long bit...saved alot of time and dremmel bits