10 plugs for 1.72 shipped

i better get the 120 plugs that i paid for.. if i get 12 i'm gonna be a bit pissed.. i think with these 120 plugs and the plugs i have in the top of my tool box now i should be good for MANY YEARS to come. even with having multiple bikes i don't go through plugs as often as you'd think..

the thing that made me think is that .72? thats a random number to price it at?
does that actaully work? chris webber has teh same name too... maybe we can scam some of that NBA money like that.. haha
It was all good fun but we ain't gonna be gettin any 18 cent plugs :)

"All items subject to prior sale. First come first serve. Buy now for best selections. All items are also for sale locally in our store.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything please give us a call at 1-877-678-5588. Items are subject to availability. Any items purchased not available in stock will be credited back to you."
i got an email... from the guy... here is it...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Poling" <jeremy@nationalrepodepot.com>

Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:55:38 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Chris could you please confirm the quantity you would like

Chris, we are working on processing your order but we noticed our listing was a little misleading. The listing states 10pk in the title when in fact the price is for 1 spark plug in a 10 pack. Could you please let me know how many spark plugs you actually need. If you were expecting 12 10 packs I apologize. If you were expecting 12 individual spark plugs then we will have those out to you as soon as we can.

Thanks again for your purchase,

Jeremy Poling

National Repo Depot Inc.

17369 Hwy 10 NW

Elk River, MN 55330

Direct Line 763-496-0264 or Toll Free 1-877-678-5588

National Repo Depot - Power Sports &bull; RV &bull; Marine
and my repsonse

that listing was not misleading at all. it clearly stated a 10pk of plugs. which is why i bought 12 10 pks or 120 plugs. there was NO mention what so ever about that being PER plug. i would expect youi'll hold true to youir auction and ship what i bought. there are others that bought the same thing and they are also expecting the 10pk of plugs also. i had a feeling this would happen and i've saved the screen shots of your auction just in case this happened. it didn't state 10 pack just in the title. but the actual body of the listing said 10pk of ngk plugs and your price right below that was $1.72. i bought 12 boxes of plugs. 120 spark plugs total and that is what i'm expecting for the price i paid. the 3 or 4 other people that bought them are expecting the same. as i talk with these people on a daily basis.
thta auction CLEARLY stated 10pk of NGK plugs in the body of the auction.. in fact taht was the only thing in the auction body actually about the item.. and right below it was $1.72.. no mention of a sinlge plug ANYWHERE... and this stroke doesn't even offer me more than 12 for the mix up? how the hell do you f*ck up like that then tell the buyer your gonna short him 108 f*cking spark plugs? if i have to i'll use the i own a web forum threat.. had he offered me say 60 plugs for that price i would said ok... hell even 40 plugs.. but 12 f*cking plugs? what an ahole..
^^^^ i agree dude, totally his f*ckup. like you said if it was me i would have offered like half the plugs or something. to just be like ok ill ship you 12 even though i f*cked up is not right.
here is what i got:

Good Afternoon we do have your order for a Br8es spark plu. In reasearching this we noticed that you did not pay any freigth charge and so my shipping department assumed you were going to pick it up.

and what i wrote back:

there was no shipping charge on the auction and i want a 10 pack like was described on the auction....i hope you make this right!!!