1 pic from saturday


New Member
May 11, 2007
well i only have 1 pic from saturday because i took all vids then i found out the camera won't work on my computer so i'm going to buy a new computer after quadfest so i will have lots of vids! well here is 1.

Yea in that pic i was pretty high it was my last run of the day so i nailed the double hard, the software is for a Windows 2000 an XP only i have a 98SE because my windows 2000 crashed like 2 months ago
Man just as soon as i get a new computer i will have vids of me jumping posted on here an vids of the drag banshee's an blaster at quadfest! i need to get one!
nice pics, and even nicer helmet! i'll post mine when my mom finishes using the film up so we do not waste film