'05 blaster boggs when i hit gas, need help! thanx

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i hope he learned from yelling at you for helping lol.... when my cuz was at my house, apparently, he cracked his reeds...so i drove him to the store, and he wanted to buy OEM reeds again..and im like...no...nonono...your getting Vforce...he says, ok sure... so we go back, and he says...ok ill put them in, i said "you sure you dont want me to put them in to teach you how?" he says..no..i dont want your help..i can do it on my own...what happens 3 hours later... get a call -- "sean....come help me..my blaster isn't working..." i go...he was all f*cked up..i cant even describe what the hell happened, and he asked me to help, and i said..no..you said you can do it on your own..and he got a little pissed lol...and went and took it to the shop, and they made fun of him..(cuz they knew him) APPARENTLY, HE TRIED TO PUT IT ON UPSIDEDOWN AND BACKWARDS....THE MAN IS 24!!!!!! AND WHEN IT FELL OFF< HE TRIED TO START IT!!!!!!!!!! WTF lol.. yay
yea, it hasnt failed on him yet but it will and ill get him lol thats funny lol
hey, i have a 2005 blaster and its doing that but it has a burning smell to the exaust could mine have any of those problems or does it need to be rebuilt?
no correction needed 'yb', smells like crank seal to me