02 Blaster Cr500

I think the CR 500 is more power then you could ever want in a bike. Racers would de tune them so they could handle them for a full race. I don't really think you will ever be looking for a better pipe, porting or any motor upgrades with a 500.
Ok the guy says it runs great not sure o0n why he is getting rid of it but if i don't like it do you guys think it will sell or trade fast/easy?
Ok the guy says it runs great not sure o0n why he is getting rid of it but if i don't like it do you guys think it will sell or trade fast/easy?

CR500's have to find the right kind of "savant" to want them. They sell higher to the right person because they're rarer but not just anyone wants one....

You'll be able to sell it just fine I have a feeling IF you don't like it.
I would think so. I can understand the guy wanting to trade. It's not something you would really want to ride daily. There big and really powerful. Riding one wears you out fast.
My dad had a KX500... I could barely get the kick start down (I was only like 12 or so at the time, but still...). It was a mean machine... I'd trade in an instant. Only issue could be parts. That's why we got ride of the KX, lack of parts availability.

i guess it was an older kx then? kawasaki still makes every part for the newer kx500s
Yes there is a link on my first post on this thread well ill be getting it tomorrow around 2 he is coming from like 3 hours away so good choice or not fellas?
I'm saying stick with your blasty! But I am biased towards bikes, gotten hurt too many times! Never rode a 500 however!
get someone ready to etch in "here lays so and so..." on a tombstone.

i have heard that they're nothing to play with and from what everyone in this thread has said i will just say be careful and be prepared. hell, a cr250 will treat ya like a rag doll if you fugg up(i know from experience). i can't imagine the power of a 500.
Look at it this way, You know what's wrong and good with your quad! You may be getting a red lemon, Or ya may luck out, either way I say stay with what ya have!
well youdef will have more power then you could ever make with a blaster with the CR500, i've ridden a 500 bike and its beyond ridiculous, you might want to gear it as high as it can go so you can get used to it easier and its easier to control