Ok, Ive got her pretty much done, and Im back from my camping trip, sorry I didn't get them posted before I left.

looks sick but those yellow shocks are just kinda off. should paint them that orange
After shipping thats not any different from the swingarm shop on Ebay....minus you wouldnt have to grind the welds.....and they powdercoat them....just my 2 cents
I would love to do it cheaper, but the time it takes to make sure it is square and everything inline as it should be, materials and etc, thats the cheapest I could do it for, I should probably charge more, but I wont.
getting hard to compete with the swingarm shop.
You guys asked, heres your answer, I dont know if its what you were wanting to hear or not, but there you go.
i know this is totally random but when i was reading this my dad walked by and said we need crackers to my mom.. lolThanks, cracker!!