01 blaster buy

You are supposed to go through a tank of gas without going WOT. Do not exceed 3/4 throttle on the first tank if you just redid the top end.
So what's a good brand of jets for a mikuni carb and where can I get the jets ranging between 260 and 300?

Thanks wifesblaster for the info
I always recommend that you never exceed 3/4 throttle for 2 tanks of gas.

Providing that the needle is on the richest setting and the main jet is large enough to feed the needle at 3/4 throttle you should have no problems. ( We are talking DMC Alien are we not?).

When 2 tanks of gas have gone through, plug chop the main jet.
You are running about the same set up as me and about the same elevations. I have a 300 main Jet, and the clip on the needle down a click. I did plug chop at wot, 1/2 and 3/4 throttle putting a load on the motor. That was Blaaster's reccomendation to do the 1/2 and 3/4 chops. Im Glad I did for my own peace of mind.

Hope that helps get you closer.
You are running about the same set up as me and about the same elevations. I have a 300 main Jet, and the clip on the needle down a click. I did plug chop at wot, 1/2 and 3/4 throttle putting a load on the motor. That was Blaaster's reccomendation to do the 1/2 and 3/4 chops. Im Glad I did for my own peace of mind.

Hope that helps get you closer.

Thanks, I'm picking up a 300 to start and I'll plug chop it and go from there.
ok fellas I got it all put back to gather and it started on the 2nd kick, it was running well minus what I thought was some carb tuning. I let it idle until it got warm then let it cool then repeated that 3 times to break it in. the next day I actually drove it, and boy did it run good! well i noticed it was sticking on high revs when I'd pull the clutch in. so i proceeded to adjust the air screw and when that didn't help i adjusted the needle. Long story short it won't run now, it still has great compression, every once and awhile it will start for a second then die. But for the most part it will do nothing but backfire or pop. I'm at a loss here and this thing is driving me crazy not being able to ride it!

any input would be helpful!

Is the carby flooding, if not leak test.


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Is the carby flooding, if not leak test.

The carb doesn't seem to be flooding, at least it's not coming through the overflow tube. I went to build the leak down tester but lowes doesn't carry a low pressure gauge so I have to wait till I can make a special trip to Home Depot or a place like it X(

Is there anything else I could try?

Thanks y'all for all the help,
ok guys the blaster passed the leak down test. but still wouldn't start, except for the occasional time, mostly the first time i would kick it, then it would die. So I tried to pull it behind another four wheeler and got it running, ran it around a bit, but when I would go to let it idle or really run it hard it cuts in and out and dies. kick starting it won't start it back up. so I let it sit for awhile (out of complete exasperation) got back to it and kick started it and bam started I:I then died X( and wouldn't start again, so i got out the other four wheeler and pulled it. this time if i was lucky it would start but it wouldn't run and most of the time it would just fire every now and then :-/

I did pull the fly wheel back off of it to see if the key had sheered but it was all still intact. i also got new boysen pro reeds still nothing. The plug still has a spark.

I'm really baffled by this. :-/

(anyone want a baster to buy :p )

if anyone has any suggestions I'd be very appreciative :D
Is the TORS still hooked up? If that system is malfunctioning, It will not run well at all.

The previous owner cut all the wires but left the brain plugged in, so I removed that, still nothing. It did fire up, ran for 15 seconds then sputtered out and wouldn't fire again :(
Hey tin man mine did the same thing when I bought mine my reeds was bad. And my plug was filed

I guess I could try another plug, mine still sparks just not very bright blue, I tried cleaning it with a rag and carb cleaner. That will be the cheapest thing to try right off though
It was worth a shot at trying the tors. The reeds are new, look in to see if they are seating. Try a new plug too. Maybe go back into the carb and see if everything is clean, make sure there isn't any gunk in the pilot and needle seat, make sure the is washer under the main jet...etc.etc.

Thats all I know that I can think of.
Could be a fuel starvation problem.

Turn on the petcock and crack open the float bowl drain screw, you should have a constant flow of fuel from the drain hose, if it slows after 30 secs you have a fuel restriction or a blocked filler cap vent.
She runs!!!!! I:I And all it took was a new plug :o I still have a little gas to run through it before I do a plug chop. (now what about those rear breaks)8-|

Just want to say thanks guys, for all the help and patience. It's really appreciated :D

Thanks a ton,
Tin B)
She runs!!!!! I:I And all it took was a new plug :eek: I still have a little gas to run through it before I do a plug chop. (now what about those rear breaks)8-|

Just want to say thanks guys, for all the help and patience. It's really appreciated :D

Thanks a ton,
Did the plug spark b4 u put in the other one? Plz help