01 blaster buy

Ok I'm in need of more help :-[ repacked the exhaust (the guy I bought it from took it all out) sounds a lot better. Now to the real problem, I was riding it taking it easy I still have not taken it WOT. I went to get some air in my tire. When I stopped it shut off (that's normal still working on tuning it) put the air in and hopped back on to start it up. Imidiatly noticed I lost compression X( it turns over way to easy. Since I've had it running there has been a tic to the engine. Nothing sounded like it broke, it had actually had been running good. I should let y'all know when I got it honed the fella said there was a score in the cylinder, he said it would loose some compression but nothing to bad. Please tell me it's fairly easy fix :p
I hope this is a tale of woe, but a tick could mean you have been running on the lean side of optimum and detonating.

Detonation causes heat and can damage pistons and rings.

Compression test, leak test.

Pull the pipe off and look up the exhaust port for piston damage, I hope you prove me wrong and nothing is amiss.
I hope this is a tale of woe, but a tick could mean you have been running on the lean side of optimum and detonating.

Detonation causes heat and can damage pistons and rings.

Compression test, leak test.

Pull the pipe off and look up the exhaust port for piston damage, I hope you prove me wrong and nothing is amiss.

I was planning on pulling the cylinder off tomorrow and looking at it. When you say lean I assume you mean lean on oil. I was running a 32:1 ratio.

Thanks for the help blaaster
Believe he means lean on fuel/air ratio. Which could be caused by air leak or lean jetting. Highly suggest doing leakdown and compression test BEFORE you tear it down. And won't hurt to look in ex port for damage. It might save you a lot of time amd money.
So I took the exhaust off, and looked in the port. Sure enough looks like a ring has slipped (I assume it got too hot and warped) so fellas what do I need to do. What would a leak down test show? And what would the correct jetting be on a blaster, stock bore, dmc alien full exhaust, not sure on the size of carb it's not written any where on it that I can find.

If you need to know anything else just let me know

Thanks so much,
After reading through the entire thread, I think Blaaster is right. This is a tale of woe. Sounds like you need to have the cylinder measured and purchase the piston for the next size up in bore. Just knowing that the wall is scored would be enough for me to correct the issue.
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After reading through the entire thread, I think Blaaster is right. This is a tale of woe. Sounds like you need to have the head measured and purchase the piston for the next size up in bore. Just knowing that the wall is scored would be enough for me to correct the issue.

So you think rebore it for the next size up. And get a new piston.

I would like a bit more input. I'm kinda stretched for money and not really wanting to dump to much more money into this thing (anyone want to trade :p )
Thats what I would do, probably best to wait for Awk or Blaaster to chime in. They are far more experienced than I am.
Any motor which runs with an abnormal noise should be diagnosed.

As I feared that little tick could have been caused by a lean condition resulting from an air leak or fuel starvation from incorrect jetting.

Before you pull the motor apart leak test it to see where the air was getting in.

You are going to need a new piston, possibly a re bore.

You said that you were riding it on the needle circuit when it failed, DMC recommends that the needle be set at its richest, I just bet yours is in the middle slot.

DMC pipe only = #260 to #270 main jet. Needle in bottom slot, pilot #32.5.
Aftermarket air filter + 1 or 2 sizes on main.
Air box lid off + 2 sizes on main.
32:1 mix + 1 size main.
All same needle and pilot.
Ok I don't want to hear this "I told ya so" stuff :p
I took my cylinder off and found that it had eaten the piston rings flat with the piston and the top one wouldn't even budge (like it was welded in there).
So I took it to the shop to get it bored over and a new piston. Well the fella measured it and told me it had already been bored over. So I guess I found out a stock size piston won't work in a oversized cylinder :o looking like I'm getting it bored over to 67mm (it's just money) so my question is this, what would be a good main jet size for Virginia, running premixed non-ethenol gas 32:1, dmc alien full exhaust, dunno on the size of carb couldn't locate a number.

Thanks fellas,I:I
gotta know what carb to suggest jetting ranges for you.
a pic would help if you can't find any mikuni/keihin or numbers.
mikuni and keihin use a different # system, as will the size require differnet #'s
get a pic posted and measure the intake size in MM's and report back
DMC = #260 main jet.
Aftermarket air cleaner + 1 or 2 sizes larger.
Air box lid off +2
32:1 pre mix +1

DMC recommends that the needle be set at its richest setting (bottom clip)

Elevation and temperature also affect what jets you should use.

Plug chop to confirm.
DMC = #260 main jet.
Aftermarket air cleaner + 1 or 2 sizes larger.
Air box lid off +2
32:1 pre mix +1

DMC recommends that the needle be set at its richest setting (bottom clip)

Elevation and temperature also affect what jets you should use.

Plug chop to confirm.

So I'm looking at about a #265 main jet. Elevation here is around 1,100 ft. It's almost winter here, and I'd say the average temp is around 35-40 degrees. Where do you get jets?