well looks like she is gunna need a top end 60psi comp.gunna rip in to it this weekend
thats prolly why it would only run off either
well looks like she is gunna need a top end 60psi comp.gunna rip in to it this weekend
why are the pistons so damn spendy for these hope i dont need one
turns out its a 465 not a 490
cause i would imagine a yz490 isnt a common bike anymore so they jack up the price cause of the low demand
Cheaper parts yes, more reliable no.you could just run a 400 jug and then parts would be cheaper and the machine would be more reliable i believe
will the 400 jug fit on the 465 bottom end
Cheaper parts yes, more reliable no.
The 465 IMO is the better motor.
It never got any bad reviews back in the day and yamaha killed a good thing when the upped it to a 490.
None of the 400's will fit the 465 bottom end.
It's a different case design.