yet another YFZ vs KTM thread :D

Feb 28, 2010
Kailua-Kona, HI
OK.. so I got my loan. money is in my bank account... here's my problem... the local dealership has a yfz450 (not sure what year prolly 08-09) brand new for $4500... the same dealership also has an 08 ktm 450xc for $5000... I got my loan for 5 with the idea of walking in and offering them cash for the bike I choose... I figure I'll offer 4 for the ktm or 3800 for the yfz and see where it gets me..

I MAY buy a used bike (there was a raptor 700 limited for like 3 or 4gs for a while he's not selling it anymore tho I don't think) and just use the rest for whatever misc stuff for my truck and the wife's car... but I really would like to get one of them brand spankin 450s... I mean who wouldn't.. I got the loan SOLELY with that intent...

anyway, the yfz sounds like a more reliable bike, the ktm I've read I should double check bolts all over it to make sure it doesn't rattle apart as on exriders that sounded like a common issue.. but some guys are saying the yfz isn't as fast and such I'm sure the shocks probably aren't as good since the ktm has ohlins the exhaust looks better too. and it has maxxis razors stock and Douglas wheels and whatever else they have lol. seems like alotta bike for the money at 5gs...

really just seeing what everyone thinks.. I'm thinking at a $500 difference it's probably a no brainer and KTM wins?
oh, 700r limited edition and I think it was 4gs he wanted... this is from a forum where he was asking 4500...



has like a arm armor and some other odd mods like that. motor is stock I believe an he has the stock wheels/tires to go with it :) just texted him to see if he still got um...
my freind has the ktm450xc that quad is so fast its faster then my can am ds450x and my can am beat a 09 yfz450r...............but the ktm is not as confy as the im pretty sure the ktm has reverse where the yfz doesnt, i would get the ktm
yfz is yamaha, and yamaha is known for the reliability, u have a problem, a broken thing, they got even a single nut to change, so, this warranty that no matter what u will never get short of pieces, repair kits, etc... so is this that aftermarket try to copy this posibility yamaha gives makin TONS of parts for yamaha atvs.... for the mid - high range ppl usage...

i dont know much about KTM, what i see is that those are "RACING" atvs, no for nothing ktm won a few times ATV of the year, and is considered the best one, for the preparation they come with.... plus that those engines come really worked for racing, a stock KTM can beat a moded yfz no matter what day of the week, coz they come prepared for this...
thats why the diferent costs, dunno there, but here an yfz cost about 13k usd while a ktm cost 18k usd or so....

so all come to what kind of use will u give it and how rush u are to get it... and how much $$ u got (not much since u ask for loan) since if u got for yfz, atleast a few things u will have to put it (like exaust, jetting, nerfs, shocks maybe? etc...)

anyway... my 2 cents hope it helps u a bit... but i still think buy the one u like it more, by stetic or we, coz u the one its gonna ride it...
the ktm is probably gonna put up with the abuse your gonna give it. but 4 strokes still suck. wait till you have to do a top end in that,
i dont know anything about ktms but i heard a yfz with a pipe and re jetted will beat a 700 raptor
hm... I can get a used running 04 or 05 carb yfz for $2500... or a trx450r for about $2000 maybe less both need new rubber tho :( so already getting close to the asking price of the new quads... went down there today and the dude didn't seem to wanna budge from the asking prices on the new KTM and YFZ he did ask if I was paying cash to which said yeah...