cant wait to see it finished.....i wanna see your reaction when you ride it also...
Definitely looks like you taking your time with the small stuff, thats what really makes it stand out. And glad to see your running a velocity tube with that pod... your gonna love it!!
If I was you I'd keep the box, a wet air filter is a no no!I run thru some creeks and thru some I'm not sure if this would be beneficial to me or not?
Hmm....If i understand this correctly, then a shorted tube gives a more direct shot of air vs a longer tube? I know this CFM box i got has a pretty hefty size tube coming off of it, but is a bit long so maybe that's the correct assumption I can say for now.
YB....the bike is looking great man. I had that blue and yellow color on my old 4runner and they went together well, so it will look great with that color scheme you got going on there.
your only bolting the master on by one screw?
your only bolting the master on by one screw?
whoa i didnt see that... i hope your ganna figure that out yb