Yammaha Blaster appreciation club facebook

Hey it's cool they have a baster section on facebook, so I posted a link to this forum for the blaster group. I use it to keep up on racing information and link to family. If you don't like face book that's ok too!
its a nice gesture bro...but if ppl wanna conntact me then they can call/text...and if they dont have my number, then they must not be that important to me...
I have facebook.
It's a no frills place unlike myspace.
I like it cause it's tailored more for old people like me.
It helps me remember when things were alot more cooler then things now haha.
Interactive sites like that are what you make them.
i know i hate that sh*t my parents go on facebook while there driving,i hope i dont die in a car accident because of that stupid sh*t.

Your going to die in a crash! jkin hope you dont but that sounds dangerous

whats wrong with facebook??

Your 16.

its way over rated an it just causes problems an fights.


i use to be on facebook to keep in touch with my friends and family....all it is not is a place for people to biotch and whine

Well explained

atleast appreciate what the man did, God. ANd blasterdude14 you dont have anything in common with your friends and family??? Facebook aint bad,i thought it sucked but tis a nice place, lol and fights in facebook,you msut have realy nerdie friends LOL

Your 16,also facebook takes about 3 minutes to make :)

its a nice gesture bro...but if ppl wanna conntact me then they can call/text...and if they dont have my number, then they must not be that important to me...

Dead on point
atleast appreciate what the man did, God. ANd blasterdude14 you dont have anything in common with your friends and family??? Facebook aint bad,i thought it sucked but tis a nice place, lol and fights in facebook,you msut have realy nerdie friends LOL

im glad someone said that cuz i was about to. if your a bunch of middle school girls or havent graduated maybe it is, but when your talking to your friends, since thats what facebook is..then it should be cool. myspace is for fighting and talking to random ppl..not facebook
remember kids, its not a popularity contest
Once you guys get grown up with your own house and a wife you lose touch with guys you used to hangout with in highschool and had lots of goodtimes with.
That's just the way it is.
So I agree with you guys fuk facebook go out and enjoy life so you have something to talk about later on in life on facebook or whatever comes next I:I
Once you guys get grown up with your own house and a wife you lose touch with guys you used to hangout with in highschool and had lots of goodtimes with.
That's just the way it is.
So I agree with you guys fuk facebook go out and enjoy life so you have something to talk about later on in life on facebook or whatever comes next I:I

Exactly,if you cant get in touch with someone besides a website,you dont know them
Exactly,if you cant get in touch with someone besides a website,you dont know them

not true at all, you must live in a contained bubble then. alot of my friends went away to school and yeah i have their numbers and sh*t but its a good way to keep in touch and even talk to ppl you werent great friends with but just knew.. ill agree alot of bitching and whining goes on cuz i do it a lot lol..but i dont think its that terrible. hell if you hate it that bad then stay away, problem solved
A lot of older people like it because they can find people they went to high school with. I have it too and like it for some reason. But I agree with whoever said it's a place to whine and complain. I'll join the blaster appreciation club too when I get on my other computer.
well i just got a friend request on myspace from a girl i used to know back in elementary school. god that was so long ago now lol