yamaha blaster top speed

.5 gear is when you use your feet like fred flintstone, what happened to the top speed question???? attention defecit disorder????
.5 gear is when you use your feet like fred flintstone, what happened to the top speed question???? attention defecit disorder????

LOL! That made my actually laugh out loud. And there wasn't an actual question. I can answer it though... my stock blaster goes between 55 and 60 MPH
well when u get in 6th gear tell us how u like that one,it's awsomer lol

is there a diy on afterburners and 16 gear trannys.lmfao
kawasaki sucks. honda is the best PERIOD. then yamaha, then ktm, then husqvarna, then gas gas, then kawasucki, then suduki................;)

lol well since ur sitting on a honda thats y u would say that.its ktm,kaw,yam,honda,husqvarna,gas gas,suz shouldn't even be on the list lmfao
lol well since ur sitting on a honda thats y u would say that.its ktm,kaw,yam,honda,husqvarna,gas gas,suz shouldn't even be on the list lmfao

I'm not sitting on the Honda!!!!!!!! I'm standing next to it. but yeah suduki is what we call Suzuki because they are pieces of sh*t
^^ lol, exactly, also, it there a question to this or did somone dye their hair blond?
also my blasty has a 21 speed bicycle shifter in it, it is sick, faster then heck, goes 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,020, hahahaha
I'm not sitting on the Honda!!!!!!!! I'm standing next to it. but yeah suduki is what we call Suzuki because they are pieces of sh*t

k u got me there i took a guess,i was just joking with u honda guys any way honda makes some nice bikes/quads

most be da crack talking lol