I finished the wiring tonight. I mounted the fuse box and also ran the extra wires needed for the clutch switch. I mounted the rev limiter to the underside of the cover. I don't think I could fit anything else in that airbox.

Alright time to check back in here with some updates !! Want to see a Riding vid of that bad boy !
I'm not sure if I trust my welding on a swingarm yet. I'm worried enough about the frame. I really want it to be safe.. well other than the whole speed problem.. I heard the 200 dollar swingarms on ebay are not the best and I'm trying to keep the costs down. Maybe I could get the 200 dollar swingarm and beef it up? I do plan to install a rear shock off a 400ex or yfz and a banshee axle.
I bought a +4 swing arm off of ebay, been running it a year and lots of jumps, no problems. The construction of the part looks like quality to me.
Ok here are the vids.. I haven't taken the time to rename them yet. I'm around 6'4 so it looks like I belong in super mario kart.. but that aside...
YouTube - mud
YouTube - return
YouTube - redo
that is one bad machine good job bud
Got the wheels on the quad now.