WTF? dirty fluid

i think its smoking normally, wtf i'm just a little pissed the old trans fluid was black but it has been in there for a year, i drain it out, refill it with motul (had to estimate a little with filling it up) after 10 mins of trying to ride while its bogging it goes down to half looks puke brown, if i take the cap off on top of those gears that move when you kickstart it it looks brown also??? before i drianed the year old sh*t i accidently added soem new stuff didn't run it lokked brown i drianed it and it came out black???? no brownnnnnnn

trying to summ it up
That's because the oil gets splashed up on the inside of the case an on the gears an it's still up there it will take a while for all that oil to drain back down.
change your oil again, dont worry Motul is good oil. you always have some oil left in the gears and the side wall of the cases after changing oil which will mix with the new.

as for the bogging, Im not sure.

Im pretty sure there is no way for your 2 stroke oil (in the gas mixture) to be getting in your trans oil, unless your right main crank seal is leakingon.
one problem i have no car, my mom works, my dad has health problems so he can't go and get it he has done many things for me so i don't want to ask for more. would it be ok if i just ran it like this long as it lubes the transmission?
Keep a very close eye on the level of the trans fluid and you should be fine for a bit.

Drain the fluid and leave the drain plug off over night. Also flip the blaster up on the grab bar then set it back down and see if you get some more fluid out. Sounds like your clutch could be shot. Which would explain the bogging and the dirty trans fluid. Any chance its not adjusted correctly or its been beat pretty hard?
See if the fluid smells like gas. Could need a new ring. Now as for the bogging what size carb do you run and what size jet do you run, also what is your altitude.
carb- keihin 35mm
jet- unknown but i know for sure its too rich and i don't want to work on the carb right now
sparkplug color- blackish wetish, and on the tip its burnt a little
the head gasket has a small leak
at the end of the silencer tip it has some carbon its done that when i bought it

i'm thinking that the old trans fluid that was left in there even though i drianed and then i put new trans fluid in so after i ran it the old and new came together and it made the new oil change color??????? just a thought
A leaking head gasket could definatly be the problem. Because the head gasket is going to let air in witch in turn creates mor vacumm for fuel to be pulled in. Fix the gasket first before playing with the carb. Also i see you run 110 octane and there is a special jet for high octane fuel. If the engine is bogging in the top end then you need to go down 2 jet sizes on your main jet. If the bogging is low or at idle the try ajdusting your idle mixure screw and in the middle range it would be the pilot jet which would need to go down one size.
i was thinking it could be the head gasket, but i was not sure, could the head gasket me causing it to overheat?
bubbles are normal there are still internal parts in the transmission turning even in neutral, and there is air in the top of the case that gets pulled down with the rotating parts. Now if the bubbles don't go away and start to foam then you have a problems.
i found out what was causing me to boggggg we adjusted the carb a little and now it idles without touching the gas, and it hauls ass between shifting