worst day ever

May 12, 2010
okay so we planned on going ridin today and yesterday we cleaned my air filter and i put it back on and it runs like a champ i put the air filter lid on it fills like it gasping for like its cloged up so i take my filter lid off and it runs like a champ and i sray the inside out of the lid today before we geet ready to leave i dry the lid and i was gonna run it up the road to make sure everything was fine and i got half way out of my driveway and it boggs down and shuts off. we take the back fenders off and clean the air intake and it still wont run i know its gotta be anything in the carb.
if its jetted to run with the lid off, when you put the lid on you are running really rich, you've probably fouled the spark plug.
we tore down the carb and nothin was wrong but we put a 250 main jet in it and then were puttin it back in and we looked at the reeds and one of the reed petals was broken so we got a pics of plastic and put it in that's place until I get my new reeds this week
did you actually do that redneck reed repair thats on you tube.... remember this, reeds are designed to be chewed up in the motor if they break, any other plastic is not.... :o
so wait, I shouldn't be using tin to make reeds? haha, btw it will work, I wouldn't recomend doing for a long time. and we actually did this after making one from the plastic clam shell package, which worked till it broke.