wont pull 6th gear?


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Brown County, OH
i have a 97 blaster thats supposed to be freshly rebuilt.. it wont get opened up in 6th gear but seems to run fine and have power.. it has a 13 tooth sprocket and 22 boloons on back. WTF
throttle is opening up... jetting would make it run like a turd in every gear right? im just trying to figure out if my top end is week or what ... i weigh 160lbs it should be able to utilize 6th gear i dont know what the problem could be besides the huge rear tires. thanks for the reply though
Back to jetting. If your jetting isn't right it will make it harder to pull the top gears, after all this is the time when you have the least torque (gearing) to use your motor. You could need to clean your carb too, but without a little more info it is hard to guess.

Does it feel like it is crapping out? Sputtering or bogging? Just doesn't have more to give?
22"s aren't all that easy to pull it's not just weight but more mass overall and it changes end gear ratio... I don't know about the stock gearing but I'd wager stock gearing 22"s would be hard for a blaster to pull to powerband in 6th on anything but a downhill... doesn't mater what you weight the tires are rotational mass.. I weight 125 and my 450 had a huge power loss when I went with heavy chrome rims and 20" rear XCRs I had to regear and my 450 has cherry bomb and heavy intake mods and an 08 exhaust with no spark arrestor which is about 1.5whp over stock 06-07 and the spark arrestor removal gains a bit too. so I'm about 7+ whp over stock and still had a hard time pulling the heavy rims w/20"s... I had to regear, I dropped a tooth up front and added two out back and it has more pull then before the tires... less top speed tho.

my 660 had a noticeable power drop in moving to 22"s as well. it has alot of torque so it pulls them, but I could definitely tell it was less peppy as well. I intend to regear but it still wheelie's so not that big of a deal with the displacement I have apparently..

2 strokes it's even worse, you only have real power in the power band... if you can't get there it's a dead give away for me to drop a tooth in front...

tuning does hurt when running rich, but I'm not so sure if even prime running it'd help pull 6th into the power band with stock gearing on 22"s... at least not uphill.. I like my bikes to be able to pull where ever. not just on flats. I'm willing to sacrifice top speed for power. off road do you really need street bike speed? and street bikes are PLENTY safer on the streets at speed and quads unless asphalt ready don't belong racing on the pavement imo... even in dunes, you want speed but you still want power to be able to pull up hills from what I can imagine...

check jetting but don't be afraid to regear if needed :) you could always try a quick raise in the needle as well if you don't have jets or can't get one right away. I move my needle position on my kids LT80 to do small jet changes. it was actually running rich (bottom clip) and would miss in mid rpm so I raised it to middle and it would rev up good. then I raised it another notch and it revs better and has almost instant power again (recently rebuilt it and was playing with it previously because of problems so had to retune) my raptor was running rich too but like I said, displacement and plenty of tq have it spinning the 22"s without much problems... my bikes are also all lightly modded for more power.
My main jet is a 310 i t has a dg junk pipe and no airbox lid i think stock besides that and the 22s are gone as soon as i can buy some 18s or 20s. is a 310 main jet about right or what? thanks for the help guys
Unless you are at sea level you are waaaay rich (might still be rich at that lol). I had the same problem with a 290 jet. I'm at a 260 now, and I raised my clip one position(which is the jetting I use at the dunes) now I'm just a little rich which is perfect for me .
yeah dude i would say you are too rich. i ran a 330 with way more mods and a better pipe inland in florida so the altitude isn't much different. rockymountainatv.com has jets for a reasonable price. i would order from around 270-320.
soubnds rich to me when mine was rich it would do the same thing coulndt touch 6th and arnt 22 inch tires the stock ones or are they 21s
21s are stock these 22s are probly 23" tall they are huge and got to go. I need some 20s bad. but im goin to rejet it and see how it does till i can find a set of tires