Won,t restart


New Member
Dec 30, 2009
I built my daughter a blaster for Christmas, ran great christmas day next morning seamed to be running alittle hot then it died. Waited a few minutes and after about 10-15 kicks it restarted. We parked it for about 2 hours then went out for a ride it made it about 1 mile then died again. This time it will not kick start but it will pull start and run but will not idle. any ideas?
Could be a number of things..... You built it? What all was done?

Most common problem is the TORS (Throttle Over Ride System). I had issues with this when I got mine.

You can find a link in this forum walking you through disconnecting it w/o buying the expensive removal kit. I would get you the link but fact is, I am tooooooo damn tired! Good luck man, hope you get it squared away. These guys are great and should be able to help you out more than I can!

By the way, welcome!
if the engine is very hot may be the oil pump is not working nice, the piston have the same size off the cylinder?? in my works i put for ex.: cylinder 46mm i put the piston with 45.95 when the piston get temperatur ade some space to dilated

I have a bad inglish :x