Wiring harness question


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Is there a big difference in the Wiring harness from an '89 to a 90's to the '06.

Reason is- I have a chance to score a CDI Hot Shots box for cheap. But guy says it's for 91-06. Also there's a different part number for the stator for 88-89 than for the rest of the years. WTF

After dumping sh*t load of money into my pride and joy I want to have the right parts so i don't have to do things twice!

If so anybody have an unmolested harness from 90's up they want to part with cheap?
I think most of the differences were from the 03 and up, besides adding a brakelight in 02. I'm not real familiar with the 80's blasters though. If its cheap I'd say get it and give it a try, I personally don't think the cdi would be different from the 80's, and if all else fails you could get rid of it on here.

I just checked and the cdi's had a part number change between 95-96, but before that they all have a matching part number. If it works on a 91 then it should be fine on your blaster.
if the engine is the same u would figure the electrical system would be also. i know the head lamp is diff but uses the same volt/watt so imo it is the same.
I know on a 88 there is a green wire. It must be grounde to the frame. It also has a black wire which does nothing. On my 02 there is no green wire, the black wire is frame ground.
There is an extra green wire from the stator that need to be grounded.Also the cdi is different and all the plugs.I have an 03 with an early year motor with a 03 harness but the best way for you is to get the 03-06 harness and swap it out.Otherwise you are going to have to cut and splice wires for the cdi as the plugs are different from the older years.Let me see if I have some pics of both to give you an idea.

03-06 is the top pic and 88-02 is the bottom pic.I would think that the cdi you are looking at is for an 03-06 not 91-06.Check the plugs and see what syle it has,that should let you know what years it fits.If you don't end up getting it LMK I may be interested.Hope this helps
Well I did buy it for $40 shipped and looks like it will hook up. I will check tonight with the wiring and see what's up. I"ll also take a pic. Thanks for the pics dualstroke!