Just a little update for people who dont want to go and read the whole thread, this is whats going on with my build:
Still need to PAINT: frame (orange), a-arms(black), swing arm(black), rims(black)
READY TO PUT ON: +3 swing arm, ltz400 rear shock(need to polish), banshee axle, holeshot rear tires,new 14t/40t sprockets, new white brothers air filter, thumb throttle with new grips and new chain to fit swinger, pro curcuit exhaust, dg grab bar, all black plastics and a carb with the tors unit removed.
WISH LIST: yfz450 heel guards, front bumer, air scoops, new front shocks(works etc), vf3 reeds, shock covers, hand gaurds
also want to get oil injection block off kit. very excitted to get this finished! any and all advice will be welcomed and appreciated!!